// Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-443271. // // This file is part of the GLVis visualization tool and library. For more // information and source code availability see https://glvis.org. // // GLVis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. #include #include "openglvis.hpp" #include "material.hpp" #include "aux_vis.hpp" using namespace mfem; const int NUM_MATERIALS = 5; extern Material materials[5]; extern Light lights[]; extern std::array amb_setting[]; extern Light lights_4[]; void Camera::Reset() { static const double cam[9] = { 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, // eye 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, // dir 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; // up Set(cam); } void Camera::Set(const double cam[]) { eye[0] = cam[0]; eye[1] = cam[1]; eye[2] = cam[2]; dir[0] = cam[3]; dir[1] = cam[4]; dir[2] = cam[5]; up [0] = cam[6]; up [1] = cam[7]; up [2] = cam[8]; Normalize(dir); ProjectVector(up, dir); } void Camera::TiltLeftRight(double angle) { LinearCombination(cos(angle), up, sin(angle), GetLeft(), up); ProjectVector(up, dir); } void Camera::TurnLeftRight(double angle) { LinearCombination(cos(angle), dir, sin(angle), GetLeft(), dir); Normalize(dir); ProjectVector(up, dir); } void Camera::TurnUpDown(double angle) { double old_dir[3] = { dir[0], dir[1], dir[2] }; double c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle); LinearCombination( c, old_dir, s, up, dir); LinearCombination(-s, old_dir, c, up, up); Normalize(dir); ProjectVector(up, dir); } glm::mat4 Camera::RotMatrix() { GetLeft(); // *INDENT-OFF* double mat[16] = { -left[0], up[0], -dir[0], 0.0, -left[1], up[1], -dir[1], 0.0, -left[2], up[2], -dir[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; // *INDENT-ON* return glm::make_mat4(mat); } glm::mat4 Camera::TransposeRotMatrix() { GetLeft(); // *INDENT-OFF* double mat_t[16] = { -left[0], -left[1], -left[2], 0.0, up[0], up[1], up[2], 0.0, -dir[0], -dir[1], -dir[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; // *INDENT-ON* return glm::make_mat4(mat_t); } glm::mat4 Camera::TranslateMatrix() { glm::mat4 rotmtx = RotMatrix(); return glm::translate(rotmtx, glm::vec3(-eye[0], -eye[1], -eye[2])); } void Camera::Print() { std::cout << "camera " << eye[0] << ' ' << eye[1] << ' ' << eye[2] << "\n" " " << dir[0] << ' ' << dir[1] << ' ' << dir[2] << "\n" " " << up[0] << ' ' << up[1] << ' ' << up[2] << '\n' << std::endl; } VisualizationScene::VisualizationScene() { translmat = glm::mat4(1.0); rotmat = glm::mat4(1.0); rotmat = glm::rotate(rotmat, glm::radians(-60.f), glm::vec3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f)); rotmat = glm::rotate(rotmat, glm::radians(-40.f), glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); xscale = yscale = zscale = 1; spinning = print = movie = 0; OrthogonalProjection = 0; ViewAngle = 45; ViewScale = 1; ViewCenterX = 0.0; ViewCenterY = 0.0; cut_lambda = 0.0; cut_updated = false; background = BG_WHITE; GetAppWindow()->getRenderer().setClearColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); _use_cust_l0_pos = false; light_mat_idx = 3; use_light = true; palette.Init(); } VisualizationScene::~VisualizationScene() {} void VisualizationScene :: DrawCutTriangle(gl3::GlDrawable& buff, const double (&p)[4][3], const double (&cv)[4], const double minv, const double maxv) { // element center double c[3]; c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { c[0] += p[j][0]; c[1] += p[j][1]; c[2] += p[j][2]; } c[0] /= 3.0; c[1] /= 3.0; c[2] /= 3.0; double l = cut_lambda; double q[3][3]; // corners of the cut frame for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { q[j][0] = l*p[j][0] + (1.0-l)*c[0]; q[j][1] = l*p[j][1] + (1.0-l)*c[1]; q[j][2] = l*p[j][2] + (1.0-l)*c[2]; } double d[4][3]; double cvv[4]; // bottom trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[0][k]; d[1][k] = p[1][k]; d[2][k] = q[1][k]; d[3][k] = q[0][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); // diagonal trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[1][k]; d[1][k] = p[2][k]; d[2][k] = q[2][k]; d[3][k] = q[1][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); // left trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[2][k]; d[1][k] = p[0][k]; d[2][k] = q[0][k]; d[3][k] = q[2][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); } void VisualizationScene :: DrawCutQuad(gl3::GlDrawable& buff, const double (&p)[4][3], const double (&cv)[4], const double minv, const double maxv) { // element center double c[3]; c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c[0] += p[j][0]; c[1] += p[j][1]; c[2] += p[j][2]; } c[0] /= 4.0; c[1] /= 4.0; c[2] /= 4.0; double l = cut_lambda; double q[4][3]; // corners of the cut frame for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { q[j][0] = l*p[j][0] + (1.0-l)*c[0]; q[j][1] = l*p[j][1] + (1.0-l)*c[1]; q[j][2] = l*p[j][2] + (1.0-l)*c[2]; } double d[4][3]; double cvv[4]; // bottom trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[0][k]; d[1][k] = p[1][k]; d[2][k] = q[1][k]; d[3][k] = q[0][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); // right trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[1][k]; d[1][k] = p[2][k]; d[2][k] = q[2][k]; d[3][k] = q[1][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); // top trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[2][k]; d[1][k] = p[3][k]; d[2][k] = q[3][k]; d[3][k] = q[2][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); // left trapezoid for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { d[0][k] = p[3][k]; d[1][k] = p[0][k]; d[2][k] = q[0][k]; d[3][k] = q[3][k]; } DrawQuad(buff, d, cvv, minv, maxv); } void VisualizationScene ::DrawTriangle(gl3::GlDrawable& buff, const double (&pts)[4][3], const double (&cv)[4], const double minv, const double maxv) { double nor[3]; if (Compute3DUnitNormal(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], nor)) { return; } std::array texcoord[3]; std::array fpts[3]; std::array fnorm = {(float) nor[0], (float) nor[1], (float) nor[2]}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float pal_coord = palette.GetColorCoord(cv[i], minv, maxv); texcoord[i] = { pal_coord, 1.0 }; fpts[i] = {(float) pts[i][0], (float) pts[i][1], (float) pts[i][2]}; } buff.addTriangle( {fpts[0], fnorm, texcoord[0]}, {fpts[1], fnorm, texcoord[1]}, {fpts[2], fnorm, texcoord[2]}); } void VisualizationScene ::DrawQuad(gl3::GlDrawable& buff, const double (&pts)[4][3], const double (&cv)[4], const double minv, const double maxv) { double nor[3]; if (Compute3DUnitNormal(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], nor)) { return; } std::array texcoord[4]; std::array fpts[4]; std::array fnorm = {(float) nor[0], (float) nor[1], (float) nor[2]}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float pal_coord = palette.GetColorCoord(cv[i], minv, maxv); texcoord[i] = { pal_coord, 1.0 }; fpts[i] = {(float) pts[i][0], (float) pts[i][1], (float) pts[i][2]}; } buff.addQuad( {fpts[0], fnorm, texcoord[0]}, {fpts[1], fnorm, texcoord[1]}, {fpts[2], fnorm, texcoord[2]}, {fpts[3], fnorm, texcoord[3]}); } void VisualizationScene ::DrawPatch(gl3::GlDrawable& drawable, const DenseMatrix &pts, Vector &vals, DenseMatrix &normals, const int n, const Array &ind, const double minv, const double maxv, const int normals_opt) { gl3::GlBuilder poly = drawable.createBuilder(); double na[3]; if (normals_opt == 1 || normals_opt == -2) { normals.SetSize(3, pts.Width()); normals = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < ind.Size(); i += n) { int j; if (n == 3) j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pts(0, ind[i]), &pts(0, ind[i+1]), &pts(0, ind[i+2]), na); else j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pts(0, ind[i]), &pts(0, ind[i+1]), &pts(0, ind[i+2]), &pts(0, ind[i+3]), na); if (j == 0) for ( ; j < n; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { normals(k, ind[i+j]) += na[k]; } } } if (normals_opt != 0 && normals_opt != -1) { Normalize(normals); std::vector vertices; std::vector indices; vertices.reserve(pts.Size()); indices.reserve(ind.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < pts.Width(); i++) { vertices.emplace_back( gl3::VertexNormTex { {(float) pts(0, i), (float) pts(1, i), (float) pts(2, i)}, {(float) normals(0, i), (float) normals(1, i), (float) normals(2, i)}, {(float) palette.GetColorCoord(vals(i), minv, maxv), 1.0 } }); } if (normals_opt > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ind.Size(); i++) { indices.emplace_back(ind[i]); } } else { for (int i = ind.Size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { indices.emplace_back(ind[i]); } } if (n == 3) { drawable.addTriangleIndexed(vertices, indices); } else { drawable.addQuadIndexed(vertices, indices); } } else { if (n == 3) { poly.glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); } else { poly.glBegin(GL_QUADS); } for (int i = 0; i < ind.Size(); i += n) { int j; if (n == 3) j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pts(0, ind[i]), &pts(0, ind[i+1]), &pts(0, ind[i+2]), na); else j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pts(0, ind[i]), &pts(0, ind[i+1]), &pts(0, ind[i+2]), &pts(0, ind[i+3]), na); if (j == 0) { if (normals_opt == 0) { poly.glNormal3dv(na); for ( ; j < n; j++) { MySetColor(poly, vals(ind[i+j]), minv, maxv); poly.glVertex3dv(&pts(0, ind[i+j])); } } else { poly.glNormal3d(-na[0], -na[1], -na[2]); for (j = n-1; j >= 0; j--) { MySetColor(poly, vals(ind[i+j]), minv, maxv); poly.glVertex3dv(&pts(0, ind[i+j])); } } } } poly.glEnd(); } } glTF_Builder::material_id VisualizationScene::AddPaletteMaterial(glTF_Builder &bld) { #ifdef GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG const bool palette_smooth = palette.GetSmoothSetting(); auto sampler = bld.addSampler( /* magFilter: */ palette_smooth ? glTF_Builder::mag_filter::LINEAR : /**/ glTF_Builder::mag_filter::NEAREST, /* minFilter: */ palette_smooth ? glTF_Builder::min_filter::LINEAR : /**/ glTF_Builder::min_filter::NEAREST, /* wrapS: */ glTF_Builder::wrap_type::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, /* wrapT: */ glTF_Builder::wrap_type::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // create palette image const int palette_size = palette.GetNumColors(); vector> palette_data(palette_size); #if 0 glGetTextureImage( palette.GetColorTexture(), 0, gl3::GLDevice::useLegacyTextureFmts() ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGBA32F, GL_FLOAT, palette_size, palette_data.data()); #elif 0 glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl3::GLDevice::useLegacyTextureFmts() ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGBA32F, GL_FLOAT, palette_data.data()); #else const double *palette_data_raw = palette.GetData(); for (int i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { palette_data[i][j] = (float) palette_data_raw[j + 3*i]; } palette_data[i][3] = 1.0f; } #endif auto palette_img = bld.addImage( /* imageName: */ "palette", /* width: */ palette_size, /* height: */ 1, /* color4f *pixels: */ palette_data.data()); auto palette_tex = bld.addTexture(sampler, palette_img); glTF_Builder::pbr_matallic_roughness palette_pbr_mr = { /* haveTexture: */ true, /* baseColorFactor: */ { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f }, /* baseColorTexture: */ palette_tex, /* metallicFactor: */ 1.f, /* roughnessFactor: */ .3f }; #else // GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG glTF_Builder::pbr_matallic_roughness palette_pbr_mr = { /* haveTexture: */ false, /* baseColorFactor: */ { 0.f, 1.f, .5f, 1.f }, /* baseColorTexture: */ {0}, /* metallicFactor: */ 1.f, /* roughnessFactor: */ .3f }; #endif // GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG auto palette_mat = bld.addMaterial( /* materialName: */ "Palette Material", /* pbrMetallicRoughness: */ palette_pbr_mr, /* doubleSided: */ true); return palette_mat; } glTF_Builder::material_id VisualizationScene::AddBlackMaterial(glTF_Builder &bld) { glTF_Builder::pbr_matallic_roughness black_pbr_mr = { /* haveTexture: */ false, /* baseColorFactor: */ GetLineColor(), /* baseColorTexture: */ {0}, /* metallicFactor: */ 1.f, /* roughnessFactor: */ 1.f }; auto black_mat = bld.addMaterial( /* materialName: */ "Black Material", /* pbrMetallicRoughness: */ black_pbr_mr, /* doubleSided: */ true); return black_mat; } glTF_Builder::material_id VisualizationScene::AddPaletteLinesMaterial( glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::material_id palette_mat) { glTF_Builder::pbr_matallic_roughness palette_pbr_mr_copy; bld.getMaterialPBRMR(palette_mat, palette_pbr_mr_copy); palette_pbr_mr_copy.metallicFactor = 1.f; palette_pbr_mr_copy.roughnessFactor = 1.f; auto palette_lines_mat = bld.addMaterial( /* materialName: */ "PaletteLines Material", /* pbrMetallicRoughness: */ palette_pbr_mr_copy, /* doubleSided: */ true); return palette_lines_mat; } glTF_Builder::node_id VisualizationScene::AddModelNode(glTF_Builder &bld, const string &nodeName) { auto new_node = bld.addNode(nodeName); // Coordinate system switch: (x,y,z) -> (x,z,-y). // In glTF, the translation (T), rotation (R), and scale (S) properties are // applied in the order: T * R * S. // In GLVis, we apply them in the order: R * S * T. bld.addNodeScale( new_node, { (float)xscale, (float)zscale, (float)yscale }); bld.addNodeTranslation( new_node, { float(-xscale*(bb.x[0]+bb.x[1])/2), float(-zscale*bb.z[0]), float(yscale*(bb.y[0]+bb.y[1])/2) }); return new_node; } // Used in VisualizationScene::AddTriangles() below. void minmax(const float *data, size_t components, size_t stride, size_t count, vector &mins, vector &maxs) { if (count == 0) { mins.assign(components, +numeric_limits::infinity()); maxs.assign(components, -numeric_limits::infinity()); return; } mins.resize(components); maxs.resize(components); for (size_t c = 0; c != components; ++c) { const auto entry = data[c]; mins[c] = entry; maxs[c] = entry; } if (count == 1) { return; } for (size_t i = 1; i != count; ++i) { data += stride; for (size_t c = 0; c != components; ++c) { const auto entry = data[c]; if (entry < mins[c]) { mins[c] = entry; } else if (entry > maxs[c]) { maxs[c] = entry; } } } } int VisualizationScene::AddTriangles(glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::mesh_id mesh, glTF_Builder::buffer_id buffer, glTF_Builder::material_id material, const gl3::GlDrawable &gl_drawable) { int num_buf = 0, buf_layout = -1; for (int layout = 0; layout < gl3::NUM_LAYOUTS; ++layout) { const gl3::IVertexBuffer *buf = gl_drawable.buffers[layout][1].get(); if (buf && buf->count() != 0) { num_buf++; buf_layout = layout; cout << "triangles: layout = " << layout << ", # vertices = " << buf->count() << '\n'; } } int num_ibuf = 0, ibuf_layout = -1; for (int layout = 0; layout < gl3::NUM_LAYOUTS; ++layout) { const gl3::IIndexedBuffer *ibuf = gl_drawable.indexed_buffers[layout][1].get(); if (ibuf && ibuf->getIndices().size() != 0) { num_ibuf++; ibuf_layout = layout; cout << "indexed triangles: layout = " << layout << ", # vertices = " << ibuf->count() << ", # indices = " << ibuf->getIndices().size() << '\n'; } } if (num_buf + num_ibuf == 0) { return 0; } if (num_buf + num_ibuf > 1) { cout << "glTF export: skipping" << num_buf + num_ibuf - 1 << " triangle buffer(s).\n"; } const gl3::IVertexBuffer *surf_buf = nullptr; const gl3::IIndexedBuffer *surf_ibuf = nullptr; const vector *surf_indices = nullptr; if (num_ibuf) { surf_buf = surf_ibuf = gl_drawable.indexed_buffers[ibuf_layout][1].get(); surf_indices = &surf_ibuf->getIndices(); buf_layout = ibuf_layout; } else { surf_buf = gl_drawable.buffers[buf_layout][1].get(); } const size_t surf_vertices_count = surf_buf->count(); const size_t surf_vertices_stride = surf_buf->getStride(); // in bytes const float *surf_vertices_data = reinterpret_cast(surf_buf->getData()); vector vmins, vmaxs; int components = surf_vertices_stride/sizeof(float); switch (buf_layout) { case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX: case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_COLOR: components = 3; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_TEXTURE0: components = 5; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL: case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_COLOR: components = 6; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_TEXTURE0: components = 8; break; } minmax(surf_vertices_data, components, surf_vertices_stride/sizeof(float), surf_vertices_count, vmins, vmaxs); glTF_Builder::buffer_view_id surf_indices_buf_view; if (surf_indices) { surf_indices_buf_view = bld.addBufferView( /* buffer: */ buffer, /* data: */ surf_indices->data(), /* byteLength: */ surf_indices->size()*sizeof(int), /* byteStride: */ sizeof(int), /* byteAlign: */ sizeof(int), /* target: */ glTF_Builder::target_type::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); } #if 0 auto surf_vertices_buf_view = bld.addBufferView( /* buffer: */ buffer, /* data: */ surf_vertices_data, /* byteLength: */ surf_vertices_count*surf_vertices_stride, /* byteStride: */ surf_vertices_stride, /* byteAlign: */ sizeof(float), /* target: */ glTF_Builder::target_type::ARRAY_BUFFER); #else auto surf_vertices_buf_view = bld.addBufferView( /* buffer: */ buffer, /* data: */ surf_vertices_data, /* byteLength: */ 0, /* byteStride: */ surf_vertices_stride, /* byteAlign: */ sizeof(float), /* target: */ glTF_Builder::target_type::ARRAY_BUFFER); // Coordinate system switch: (x,y,z) -> (x,z,-y), see: // https://www.khronos.org/registry/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html#coordinate-system-and-units switch (buf_layout) { case gl3::Vertex::layout: { auto surf_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(surf_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != surf_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = surf_vert_data[i]; gl3::Vertex vtx = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] } }; bld.appendToBufferView(surf_vertices_buf_view, &vtx, sizeof(vtx)); } break; } case gl3::VertexNorm::layout: { auto surf_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(surf_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != surf_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = surf_vert_data[i]; gl3::VertexNorm vn = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] }, { v.norm[0], v.norm[2], -v.norm[1] } }; bld.appendToBufferView(surf_vertices_buf_view, &vn, sizeof(vn)); } break; } case gl3::VertexNormTex::layout: { auto surf_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(surf_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != surf_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = surf_vert_data[i]; gl3::VertexNormTex tv = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] }, { v.norm[0], v.norm[2], -v.norm[1] }, v.texCoord }; bld.appendToBufferView(surf_vertices_buf_view, &tv, sizeof(tv)); } break; } default: { cout << "glTF export: coorditate switch for layout " << buf_layout << " is not implemented here:" << MFEM_LOCATION; bld.appendToBufferView(surf_vertices_buf_view, surf_vertices_data, surf_vertices_count*surf_vertices_stride); break; } } #endif glTF_Builder::accessor_id surf_indices_acc {glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; if (surf_indices) { surf_indices_acc = bld.addAccessor( /* bufferView: */ surf_indices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ 0, /* componentType: */ glTF_Builder::component_type::UNSIGNED_INT, /* count: */ surf_indices->size(), /* tensorType: */ glTF_Builder::tensor_type::SCALAR); } auto surf_vertices_pos_acc = bld.addAccessorVec3f( /* bufferView: */ surf_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ 0, /* count: */ surf_vertices_count, // Coordinate system switch: (x,y,z) -> (x,z,-y), see above /* vec3f min: */ { vmins[0], vmins[2], -vmaxs[1] }, /* vec3f max: */ { vmaxs[0], vmaxs[2], -vmins[1] }); unsigned floatOffset = 3; glTF_Builder::accessor_id surf_vertices_nor_acc{glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; const bool have_normals = (buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL || buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_COLOR || buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_TEXTURE0); if (have_normals) { surf_vertices_nor_acc = bld.addAccessor( /* bufferView: */ surf_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ floatOffset*sizeof(float), /* componentType: */ glTF_Builder::component_type::FLOAT, /* count: */ surf_vertices_count, /* tensorType: */ glTF_Builder::tensor_type::VEC3); floatOffset += 3; } glTF_Builder::accessor_id surf_vertices_tex_acc{glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; const bool have_texcoords = (buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_TEXTURE0 || buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_TEXTURE0); if (have_texcoords) { surf_vertices_tex_acc = bld.addAccessorVec2f( /* bufferView: */ surf_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ floatOffset*sizeof(float), /* count: */ surf_vertices_count, /* vec2f min: */ { vmins[floatOffset], vmins[floatOffset+1] }, /* vec2f max: */ { vmaxs[floatOffset], vmaxs[floatOffset+1] }); // floatOffset += 2; } bld.addMeshTriangles( /* mesh: */ mesh, /* vertexPositions: */ surf_vertices_pos_acc, /* vertexNormals: */ surf_vertices_nor_acc, /* vertexTexCoords0: */ surf_vertices_tex_acc, /* vertexIndices: */ surf_indices_acc, /* material: */ material); return surf_indices ? surf_indices->size()/3 : surf_vertices_count/3; } int VisualizationScene::AddLines(glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::mesh_id mesh, glTF_Builder::buffer_id buffer, glTF_Builder::material_id material, const gl3::GlDrawable &gl_drawable) { int num_buf = 0, buf_layout = -1; for (int layout = 0; layout < gl3::NUM_LAYOUTS; ++layout) { const gl3::IVertexBuffer *buf = gl_drawable.buffers[layout][0].get(); if (buf && buf->count() != 0) { num_buf++; buf_layout = layout; cout << "lines: layout = " << layout << ", # vertices = " << buf->count() << '\n'; } } int num_ibuf = 0 /* , ibuf_layout = -1 */; for (int layout = 0; layout < gl3::NUM_LAYOUTS; ++layout) { const gl3::IIndexedBuffer *ibuf = gl_drawable.indexed_buffers[layout][0].get(); if (ibuf && ibuf->getIndices().size() != 0) { num_ibuf++; /* ibuf_layout = layout; */ cout << "indexed lines: layout = " << layout << ", # vertices = " << ibuf->count() << ", # indices = " << ibuf->getIndices().size() << '\n'; } } if (num_buf + num_ibuf == 0) { return 0; } if (num_buf == 0) { cout << "glTF export: indexed lines are not implemented.\n"; return 0; } if (num_buf + num_ibuf > 1) { cout << "glTF export: skipping" << num_buf + num_ibuf - 1 << " line buffer(s).\n"; } const gl3::IVertexBuffer *lines_buf = gl_drawable.buffers[buf_layout][0].get(); const size_t lines_vertices_count = lines_buf->count(); const size_t lines_vertices_stride = lines_buf->getStride(); // in bytes const float *lines_vertices_data = reinterpret_cast(lines_buf->getData()); vector vmins, vmaxs; int components = lines_vertices_stride/sizeof(float); switch (buf_layout) { case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX: case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_COLOR: components = 3; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_TEXTURE0: components = 5; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL: case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_COLOR: components = 6; break; case gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_NORMAL_TEXTURE0: components = 8; break; } minmax(lines_vertices_data, components, lines_vertices_stride/sizeof(float), lines_vertices_count, vmins, vmaxs); #if 0 auto lines_vertices_buf_view = bld.addBufferView( /* buffer: */ buffer, /* data: */ lines_vertices_data, /* byteLength: */ lines_vertices_count*lines_vertices_stride, /* byteStride: */ lines_vertices_stride, /* byteAlign: */ sizeof(float), /* target: */ glTF_Builder::target_type::ARRAY_BUFFER); #else auto lines_vertices_buf_view = bld.addBufferView( /* buffer: */ buffer, /* data: */ lines_vertices_data, /* byteLength: */ 0, /* byteStride: */ lines_vertices_stride, /* byteAlign: */ sizeof(float), /* target: */ glTF_Builder::target_type::ARRAY_BUFFER); // Coordinate system switch: (x,y,z) -> (x,z,-y), see: // https://www.khronos.org/registry/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html#coordinate-system-and-units switch (buf_layout) { case gl3::Vertex::layout: { auto lines_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(lines_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != lines_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = lines_vert_data[i]; gl3::Vertex vtx = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] } }; bld.appendToBufferView(lines_vertices_buf_view, &vtx, sizeof(vtx)); } break; } case gl3::VertexColor::layout: { auto lines_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(lines_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != lines_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = lines_vert_data[i]; gl3::VertexColor vc = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] }, v.color }; bld.appendToBufferView(lines_vertices_buf_view, &vc, sizeof(vc)); } break; } case gl3::VertexTex::layout: { auto lines_vert_data = reinterpret_cast(lines_vertices_data); for (size_t i = 0; i != lines_vertices_count; ++i) { auto &v = lines_vert_data[i]; gl3::VertexTex vt = { { v.coord[0], v.coord[2], -v.coord[1] }, v.texCoord }; bld.appendToBufferView(lines_vertices_buf_view, &vt, sizeof(vt)); } break; } default: { cout << "glTF export: coorditate switch for layout " << buf_layout << " is not implemented here:" << MFEM_LOCATION; bld.appendToBufferView(lines_vertices_buf_view, lines_vertices_data, lines_vertices_count*lines_vertices_stride); break; } } #endif auto lines_vertices_pos_acc = bld.addAccessorVec3f( /* bufferView: */ lines_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ 0, /* count: */ lines_vertices_count, // Coordinate system switch: (x,y,z) -> (x,z,-y), see above /* vec3f min: */ { vmins[0], vmins[2], -vmaxs[1] }, /* vec3f max: */ { vmaxs[0], vmaxs[2], -vmins[1] }); unsigned floatOffset = 3; glTF_Builder::accessor_id lines_vertices_col_acc{glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; const bool have_colors = (buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_COLOR); if (have_colors) { lines_vertices_col_acc = bld.addAccessor( /* bufferView: */ lines_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ floatOffset*sizeof(float), /* componentType: */ glTF_Builder::component_type::UNSIGNED_BYTE, /* count: */ lines_vertices_count, /* tensorType: */ glTF_Builder::tensor_type::VEC4); // floatOffset += 2; } glTF_Builder::accessor_id lines_vertices_tex_acc{glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; const bool have_texcoords = (buf_layout == gl3::LAYOUT_VTX_TEXTURE0); if (have_texcoords) { lines_vertices_tex_acc = bld.addAccessorVec2f( /* bufferView: */ lines_vertices_buf_view, /* byteOffset: */ floatOffset*sizeof(float), /* count: */ lines_vertices_count, /* vec2f min: */ { vmins[floatOffset], vmins[floatOffset+1] }, /* vec2f max: */ { vmaxs[floatOffset], vmaxs[floatOffset+1] }); // floatOffset += 2; } bld.addMeshLines( /* mesh: */ mesh, /* vertexPositions: */ lines_vertices_pos_acc, /* vertexTexcoords0: */ lines_vertices_tex_acc, /* vertexColors0: */ lines_vertices_col_acc, /* material: */ material); return lines_vertices_count/2; } gl3::RenderParams VisualizationScene::GetMeshDrawParams() { gl3::RenderParams params = {}; params.model_view.mtx = GetModelViewMtx(); params.projection.mtx = proj_mtx; params.mesh_material = materials[light_mat_idx]; params.num_pt_lights = 0; if (use_light) { if (light_mat_idx == 4) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { params.lights[i] = lights_4[i]; } params.num_pt_lights = 3; } else { params.lights[0] = lights[light_mat_idx]; params.num_pt_lights = 1; } } if (_use_cust_l0_pos) { params.lights[0].position = _l0_pos; } params.light_amb_scene = amb_setting[light_mat_idx]; params.static_color = GetLineColor(); return params; } void VisualizationScene::SetLightMatIdx(unsigned i) { if (i < NUM_MATERIALS) { light_mat_idx = i; _use_cust_l0_pos = false; } } void VisualizationScene::SetLight0CustomPos(std::array pos) { _l0_pos = pos; _use_cust_l0_pos = true; } void VisualizationScene::ToggleBackground() { if (background == BG_BLK) { background = BG_WHITE; GetAppWindow()->getRenderer().setClearColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); } else { background = BG_BLK; GetAppWindow()->getRenderer().setClearColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); } } void VisualizationScene::Rotate(double angle, double x, double y, double z) { gl3::GlMatrix rot_tmp; rot_tmp.identity(); rot_tmp.mult(cam.TransposeRotMatrix()); rot_tmp.rotate(angle, x, y, z); rot_tmp.mult(cam.RotMatrix()); rot_tmp.mult(rotmat); rotmat = rot_tmp.mtx; } void VisualizationScene::PreRotate(double angle, double x, double y, double z) { rotmat = glm::rotate(rotmat, glm::radians(angle), glm::vec3(x,y,z)); } void VisualizationScene::Rotate(double angley, double anglex) { gl3::GlMatrix rot_tmp; rot_tmp.identity(); rot_tmp.mult(cam.TransposeRotMatrix()); rot_tmp.rotate(angley, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); rot_tmp.rotate(anglex, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); rot_tmp.mult(cam.RotMatrix()); rot_tmp.mult(rotmat); rotmat = rot_tmp.mtx; } void VisualizationScene::Translate(double _x, double _y, double _z) { gl3::GlMatrix trans_tmp; trans_tmp.identity(); trans_tmp.translate(_x, -_y, _z); trans_tmp.mult(translmat); translmat = trans_tmp.mtx; } void VisualizationScene::Scale(double s) { Scale (s, s, s); } void VisualizationScene::Scale(double s1, double s2, double s3) { xscale *= s1; yscale *= s2; zscale *= s3; } void VisualizationScene::CenterObject() { gl3::GlMatrix tmp_mtx; tmp_mtx.identity(); translmat = tmp_mtx.mtx; tmp_mtx.rotate(-60.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f); tmp_mtx.rotate(-40.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); rotmat = tmp_mtx.mtx; } void VisualizationScene::CenterObject2D() { translmat = glm::mat4(1.0); rotmat = glm::mat4(1.0); } void VisualizationScene::SetView(double theta, double phi) { gl3::GlMatrix tmp_mtx; tmp_mtx.identity(); translmat = tmp_mtx.mtx; tmp_mtx.rotate(-theta, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f); tmp_mtx.rotate(-phi, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); rotmat = tmp_mtx.mtx; } void VisualizationScene::Zoom(double factor) { if (OrthogonalProjection) { ViewScale *= factor; } else { double va = ViewAngle * ( M_PI / 360.0 ); ViewAngle = atan( tan( va ) / factor ) * (360.0 / M_PI); } } glm::mat4 VisualizationScene::GetModelViewMtx() { gl3::GlMatrix modelView; modelView.identity(); modelView.mult(cam.TranslateMatrix()); modelView.mult(translmat); modelView.mult(rotmat); modelView.scale(xscale, yscale, zscale); modelView.translate(-(bb.x[0]+bb.x[1])/2, -(bb.y[0]+bb.y[1])/2, -(bb.z[0]+bb.z[1])/2); return modelView.mtx; }