// Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-443271. // // This file is part of the GLVis visualization tool and library. For more // information and source code availability see https://glvis.org. // // GLVis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "vsdata.hpp" #include "aux_vis.hpp" #include "material.hpp" #include "palettes.hpp" #include "gl2ps.h" const char *strings_off_on[] = { "off", "on" }; void VisualizationSceneScalarData::FixValueRange() { double am = fabs(minv); if (am < fabs(maxv)) { am = fabs(maxv); } if (float(am) < 100*numeric_limits::min()) { am = 1e-3; } if ((maxv-minv) < 1e-5*am) { // Shading quality may be bad since OpenGL uses single precision. We // should probably pre-scale the solution before feeding it to OpenGL int old_prec = cout.precision(12); cout << "[minv,maxv] = " << "[" << minv << "," << maxv << "] (maxv-minv = " << maxv-minv << ")\n --> "; minv -= 0.49999e-5*am; maxv += 0.50001e-5*am; cout << "[" << minv << "," << maxv << "]" << endl; cout.precision(old_prec); } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::DoAutoscale(bool prepare) { if (autoscale == 1) { FindNewBoxAndValueRange(prepare); } else if (autoscale == 2) { FindNewValueRange(prepare); } else if (autoscale == 3) { FindMeshBox(prepare); } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::DoAutoscaleValue(bool prepare) { if (autoscale == 1 || autoscale == 3) { FindNewBoxAndValueRange(prepare); } else { FindNewValueRange(prepare); } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Cone(gl3::GlBuilder& builder, glm::mat4 xfrm) { const int n = 8; const double step = 2*M_PI/n; const double nz = (1.0/4.0); double point = step; int i; glm::mat3 normXfrm = glm::inverseTranspose(glm::mat3(xfrm)); glm::vec3 start1vtx = glm::vec3(xfrm * glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)); glm::vec3 start1norm = glm::vec3(normXfrm * glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); glm::vec3 start2vtx = glm::vec3(xfrm * glm::vec4(1, 0, -4, 1)); glm::vec3 start2norm = glm::vec3(normXfrm * glm::vec3(1, 0, nz)); builder.glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); builder.glNormal3d(start1norm[0], start1norm[1], start1norm[2]); builder.glVertex3d(start1vtx[0], start1vtx[1], start1vtx[2]); builder.glNormal3d(start2norm[0], start2norm[1], start2norm[2]); builder.glVertex3d(start2vtx[0], start2vtx[1], start2vtx[2]); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { glm::vec3 baseVtx = glm::vec3(xfrm * glm::vec4(cos(point), sin(point), -4, 1)); glm::vec3 baseNorm = glm::vec3(normXfrm * glm::vec3(cos(point), sin(point), nz)); builder.glNormal3d(baseNorm[0], baseNorm[1], baseNorm[2]); builder.glVertex3d(baseVtx[0], baseVtx[1], baseVtx[2]); point += step; } builder.glNormal3d(start2norm[0], start2norm[1], start2norm[2]); builder.glVertex3d(start2vtx[0], start2vtx[1], start2vtx[2]); builder.glEnd(); } // Draw an arrow starting at point (px, py, pz) with orientation (vx, vy, vz) // and length "length". void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Arrow3(gl3::GlBuilder& builder, double px, double py, double pz, double vx, double vy, double vz, double length, double cone_scale) { double xc = 0.5*(bb.x[0]+bb.x[1]); double yc = 0.5*(bb.y[0]+bb.y[1]); double zc = 0.5*(bb.z[0]+bb.z[1]); glm::mat4 xfrm(1.0); xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(xc, yc, zc)); xfrm = glm::scale(xfrm, glm::vec3(1.0/xscale, 1.0/yscale, 1.0/zscale)); double rlen = length/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); px = (px-xc)*xscale; py = (py-yc)*yscale; pz = (pz-zc)*zscale; vx *= rlen*xscale; vy *= rlen*yscale; vz *= rlen*zscale; if (arrow_scaling_type == 0) { length = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); } xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(px, py, pz)); double rhos = sqrt (vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); float phi = acos(vz/rhos); float theta; theta = atan2 (vy, vx); xfrm = glm::rotate(xfrm, theta, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); xfrm = glm::rotate(xfrm, phi, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); xfrm = glm::scale(xfrm, glm::vec3(length)); if (arrow_type == 1) { xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(0, 0, -0.5)); } glm::vec4 pt1 = xfrm * glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); glm::vec4 pt2 = xfrm * glm::vec4(0, 0, 1, 1); builder.glBegin(GL_LINES); builder.glVertex3d(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2]); builder.glVertex3d(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2]); builder.glEnd(); xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); xfrm = glm::scale(xfrm, glm::vec3(cone_scale)); Cone(builder, xfrm); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Arrow2(gl3::GlBuilder& builder, double px, double py, double pz, double vx, double vy, double vz, double length, double cone_scale) { glm::mat4 xfrm(1.0); xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(px, py, pz)); double rhos = sqrt (vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); float phi = acos(vz/rhos); float theta; theta = atan2 (vy, vx); xfrm = glm::rotate(xfrm, theta, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); xfrm = glm::rotate(xfrm, phi, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); xfrm = glm::scale(xfrm, glm::vec3(length)); glm::vec4 pt1 = xfrm * glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); glm::vec4 pt2 = xfrm * glm::vec4(0, 0, 1, 1); builder.glBegin(GL_LINES); builder.glVertex3d(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2]); builder.glVertex3d(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2]); builder.glEnd(); xfrm = glm::translate(xfrm, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); xfrm = glm::scale(xfrm, glm::vec3(cone_scale)); Cone(builder, xfrm); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Arrow(gl3::GlBuilder& builder, double px, double py, double pz, double vx, double vy, double vz, double length, double cone_scale) { double rhos = sqrt (vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); if (rhos == 0.0) { return; } double phi = acos(vz/rhos), theta = atan2(vy, vx); const int n = 8; const double step = 2*M_PI/n, nz = (1.0/4.0); double point = step, cone[n+4][3], normal[n+2][3]; int i, j, k; cone[0][0] = 0; cone[0][1] = 0; cone[0][2] = 1; cone[1][0] = cone_scale; cone[1][1] = 0; cone[1][2] = -4*cone_scale + 1; normal[0][0] = 0.0/cone_scale; normal[0][1] = 0.0/cone_scale; normal[0][2] = 1.0/cone_scale; normal[1][0] = 1.0/cone_scale; normal[1][1] = 0.0/cone_scale; normal[1][2] = nz/cone_scale; for (i=2; i *mesh_level, Array *lsurf_levels) { int i; float miny; float maxy; float minx; float maxx; float posz = -4.0; if (OrthogonalProjection) { miny = -.65; maxy = .65; minx = 0.73; maxx = 0.80; } else { miny = -1.; maxy = 1.; minx = 1.2; maxx = 1.3; } color_bar.clear(); color_bar.addQuad( {{minx, miny, posz},{0.f, 0.f}}, {{maxx, miny, posz},{0.f, 0.f}}, {{maxx, maxy, posz},{1.f, 0.f}}, {{minx, maxy, posz},{1.f, 0.f}} ); static const int border = 2; if (border == 1) { color_bar.addLines( { {minx, miny, posz}, {maxx, miny, posz}, {maxx, miny, posz}, {maxx, maxy, posz}, {maxx, maxy, posz}, {minx, maxy, posz}, {minx, maxy, posz}, {minx, miny, posz} }); } else if (border == 2) { color_bar.addLine({minx, miny, posz}, {minx, maxy, posz}); color_bar.addLine({maxx, miny, posz}, {maxx, maxy, posz}); } if (lsurf_levels) { for (i = 0; i < lsurf_levels->Size(); i++) { float Y = miny + (maxy - miny) * LogUVal((*lsurf_levels)[i]); color_bar.addLine({minx, Y, posz}, {maxx, Y, posz}); } } if (mesh_level) { for (i = 0; i < mesh_level->Size(); i++) { float Y = miny + (maxy - miny) * LogUVal((*mesh_level)[i]); color_bar.addLine({minx, Y, posz}, {maxx, Y, posz}); } } const double text_x = maxx + 0.4*(maxx-minx); double val; double Y; if (!mesh_level) { for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { Y = miny + i * (maxy-miny) / 4; val = ULogVal(i / 4.0); ostringstream buf; buf << setprecision(4) << val; color_bar.addText(text_x,Y,posz, buf.str()); } } else { for (i = 0; i < mesh_level->Size(); i++) { val = (*mesh_level)[i]; Y = miny + (maxy - miny) * LogUVal(val); ostringstream buf; buf << setprecision(4) << val; color_bar.addText(text_x,Y,posz, buf.str()); } } if (lsurf_levels) { for (i = 0; i < lsurf_levels->Size(); i++) { val = (*lsurf_levels)[i]; Y = miny + (maxy - miny) * LogUVal(val); ostringstream buf; buf << setprecision(4) << val; color_bar.addText(text_x,Y,posz, buf.str()); } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&color_bar); } // Draw a centered caption at the top (visible with the colorbar) void VisualizationSceneScalarData::PrepareCaption() { bool empty = plot_caption.empty(); colorbar = (colorbar ? empty+1 : !empty); string caption(plot_caption); if (!extra_caption.empty()) { caption += " (" + extra_caption + ")"; } caption_buf.clear(); caption_buf.addText(0, 0, 0, caption); updated_bufs.emplace_back(&caption_buf); GetFont()->getObjectSize(caption, caption_w, caption_h); } thread_local VisualizationSceneScalarData * vsdata; extern thread_local VisualizationScene * locscene; void KeycPressed() { vsdata->ToggleDrawColorbar(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyCPressed() { cout << "Enter new caption: " << flush; std::getline(cin, plot_caption); vsdata->PrepareCaption(); // turn on or off the caption SendExposeEvent(); } void KeySPressed() { vsdata -> ToggleScaling(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyaPressed() { vsdata -> ToggleDrawAxes(); SendExposeEvent(); } void Key_Mod_a_Pressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_CTRL) { static const char *autoscale_modes[] = { "off", "on", "value", "mesh" }; int autoscale = vsdata->GetAutoscale(); autoscale = (autoscale + 1)%4; cout << "Autoscale: " << flush; vsdata->SetAutoscale(autoscale); cout << autoscale_modes[autoscale] << endl; SendExposeEvent(); } else { vsdata->ToggleDrawAxes(); SendExposeEvent(); } } void KeyHPressed() { cout << vsdata->GetHelpString() << flush; } void KeylPressed() { vsdata -> ToggleLight(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyLPressed() { vsdata->ToggleLogscale(true); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyrPressed() { locscene -> spinning = 0; RemoveIdleFunc(MainLoop); vsdata -> CenterObject(); locscene -> ViewAngle = 45.0; locscene -> ViewScale = 1.0; locscene -> ViewCenterX = 0.0; locscene -> ViewCenterY = 0.0; locscene->cam.Reset(); vsdata -> key_r_state = 0; SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyRPressed() { locscene->spinning = 0; RemoveIdleFunc(MainLoop); vsdata->Toggle2DView(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeypPressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_CTRL) { KeyCtrlP(); } else { locscene->palette.NextIndex(); SendExposeEvent(); } } void KeyPPressed() { locscene->palette.PrevIndex(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyF5Pressed() { int n; double min, max; cout << "Enter min : " << flush; cin >> min; cout << "Enter max : " << flush; cin >> max; cout << "Enter n : " << flush; cin >> n; vsdata -> SetLevelLines (min, max, n, 0); vsdata -> UpdateLevelLines(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyF6Pressed() { int RepeatPaletteTimes = vsdata->palette.GetRepeatTimes(); cout << "Palette is repeated " << RepeatPaletteTimes << " times.\n" << "(Negative value means the palette is flipped.)\n" << "Enter new value: " << flush; cin >> RepeatPaletteTimes; if (RepeatPaletteTimes == 0) { RepeatPaletteTimes = 1; } cout << "Palette will be repeated " << RepeatPaletteTimes << " times now.\n\n"; vsdata->palette.SetRepeatTimes(RepeatPaletteTimes); int pal = vsdata->palette.ChoosePalette(); int colors_used = vsdata->palette.GetNumColors(pal); int palette_size = vsdata->palette.GetSize(pal); cout << "\nPalette is using " << colors_used << " colors.\n" << "Enter new value (0 = use original " << palette_size << " colors): " << flush; cin >> colors_used; if (colors_used == 1) { colors_used = 0; } vsdata->palette.SetNumColors(colors_used); vsdata->palette.Init(); vsdata->palette.SetIndex(pal); colors_used = vsdata->palette.GetNumColors(); cout << "Palette will be using " << colors_used << " colors now.\n"; vsdata->EventUpdateColors(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyF7Pressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_SHIFT) { cout << "Current bounding box:\n" << " min: (" << vsdata->bb.x[0] << ',' << vsdata->bb.y[0] << ',' << vsdata->bb.z[0] << ")\n" << " max: (" << vsdata->bb.x[1] << ',' << vsdata->bb.y[1] << ',' << vsdata->bb.z[1] << ")\n" << "Enter new bounding box:\n" << "x_min = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.x[0]; cout << "y_min = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.y[0]; cout << "z_min = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.z[0]; cout << "x_max = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.x[1]; cout << "y_max = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.y[1]; cout << "z_max = " << flush; cin >> vsdata->bb.z[1]; cout << "New bounding box:\n" << " min: (" << vsdata->bb.x[0] << ',' << vsdata->bb.y[0] << ',' << vsdata->bb.z[0] << ")\n" << " max: (" << vsdata->bb.x[1] << ',' << vsdata->bb.y[1] << ',' << vsdata->bb.z[1] << ")\n" << flush; vsdata->UpdateBoundingBox(); SendExposeEvent(); } else { cout << "[minv,maxv] = [" << vsdata->GetMinV() << "," << vsdata->GetMaxV() << "] maxv-minv = " << vsdata->GetMaxV()-vsdata->GetMinV() << "\n" << "New value for minv: " << flush; cin >> vsdata->GetMinV(); cout << "New value for maxv: " << flush; cin >> vsdata->GetMaxV(); vsdata->UpdateValueRange(true); SendExposeEvent(); } } void KeyBackslashPressed() { float x, y, z, w; cout << "Enter light source position\n(0,0,1,w) - from camera\n" "(0,1,0,w) - from above\n(1,0,0,w) - from the right\n" "w = 0/1 defines directional/spot light\n"; cout << "x = " << flush; cin >> x; cout << "y = " << flush; cin >> y; cout << "z = " << flush; cin >> z; cout << "w = " << flush; cin >> w; vsdata->SetLight0CustomPos({x, y, z, w}); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyTPressed() { int ml; ml = (vsdata->GetLightMatIdx() + 1) % 5; vsdata->SetLightMatIdx(ml); SendExposeEvent(); cout << "New material/light : " << ml << endl; } void KeygPressed() { vsdata->ToggleBackground(); vsdata->PrepareAxes(); vsdata->EventUpdateBackground(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyGPressed() { vsdata->glTF_Export(); } void KeyF1Pressed() { vsdata->PrintState(); } void KeyF2Pressed() { vsdata -> EventUpdateColors(); vsdata -> PrepareLines(); // vsdata->CPPrepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeykPressed() { locscene->matAlpha -= 0.05; if (locscene->matAlpha < 0.0) { locscene->matAlpha = 0.0; } locscene->GenerateAlphaTexture(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyKPressed() { locscene->matAlpha += 0.05; if (locscene->matAlpha > 1.0) { locscene->matAlpha = 1.0; } locscene->GenerateAlphaTexture(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyAPressed() { bool curr_aa = GetAppWindow()->getRenderer().getAntialiasing(); GetAppWindow()->getRenderer().setAntialiasing(!curr_aa); cout << "Multisampling/Antialiasing: " << strings_off_on[!curr_aa ? 1 : 0] << endl; // vsdata -> EventUpdateColors(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyCommaPressed() { locscene->matAlphaCenter -= 0.25; // vsdata -> EventUpdateColors(); locscene->GenerateAlphaTexture(); SendExposeEvent(); #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "MatAlphaCenter = " << locscene->matAlphaCenter << endl; #endif } void KeyLessPressed() { locscene->matAlphaCenter += 0.25; // vsdata -> EventUpdateColors(); locscene->GenerateAlphaTexture(); SendExposeEvent(); #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "MatAlphaCenter = " << locscene->matAlphaCenter << endl; #endif } void KeyGravePressed() { vsdata->ToggleRuler(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyTildePressed() { vsdata->RulerPosition(); SendExposeEvent(); } void KeyToggleTexture() { vsdata->ToggleTexture(); SendExposeEvent(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::PrintLogscale(bool warn) { if (warn) { cout << "The range [" << minv << ',' << maxv << "] is not appropriate for logarithmic scale!" << endl; } cout << "Logarithmic scale: " << strings_off_on[logscale ? 1 : 0] << endl; } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ToggleLogscale(bool print) { if (logscale || LogscaleRange()) { logscale = !logscale; palette.SetUseLogscale(logscale); SetLogA(); SetLevelLines(minv, maxv, nl); UpdateLevelLines(); EventUpdateColors(); if (print) { PrintLogscale(false); } } else if (print) { PrintLogscale(true); } PrepareRuler(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ToggleRuler() { ruler_on = (ruler_on + 1) % 3; PrepareRuler(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::RulerPosition() { cout << "Current ruler position: (" << ruler_x << ',' << ruler_y << ',' << ruler_z << ")\n"; cout << "x = " << flush; cin >> ruler_x; cout << "y = " << flush; cin >> ruler_y; cout << "z = " << flush; cin >> ruler_z; if (ruler_x < bb.x[0]) { ruler_x = bb.x[0]; } else if (ruler_x > bb.x[1]) { ruler_x = bb.x[1]; } if (ruler_y < bb.y[0]) { ruler_y = bb.y[0]; } else if (ruler_y > bb.y[1]) { ruler_y = bb.y[1]; } if (ruler_z < bb.z[0]) { ruler_z = bb.z[0]; } else if (ruler_z > bb.z[1]) { ruler_z = bb.z[1]; } cout << "New ruler position: (" << ruler_x << ',' << ruler_y << ',' << ruler_z << ")" << endl; PrepareRuler(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::PrepareRuler(bool log_z) { float pos_z = LogVal(ruler_z, log_z); float x_f[2] = {(float) bb.x[0], (float) bb.x[1]}; float y_f[2] = {(float) bb.y[0], (float) bb.y[1]}; float z_f[2] = {(float) bb.z[0], (float) bb.z[1]}; float ruler_x_f = (float) ruler_x, ruler_y_f = (float) ruler_y; ruler_buf.clear(); if (ruler_on == 2) { std::array color = gl3::ColorU8(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0); std::array norm = { 0, 0, 1 }; ruler_buf.addQuad( {{x_f[0], y_f[0], pos_z},norm,color}, {{x_f[1], y_f[0], pos_z},norm,color}, {{x_f[1], y_f[1], pos_z},norm,color}, {{x_f[0], y_f[1], pos_z},norm,color} ); std::array norm_2 = { 0, 1, 0 }; ruler_buf.addQuad( {{x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]},norm_2,color}, {{x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]},norm_2,color}, {{x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]},norm_2,color}, {{x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]},norm_2,color} ); std::array norm_3 = { 1, 0, 0 }; ruler_buf.addQuad( {{ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[0]},norm_3,color}, {{ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[0]},norm_3,color}, {{ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[1]},norm_3,color}, {{ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[1]},norm_3,color} ); ruler_buf.addLines( { {x_f[0], y_f[0], pos_z}, {x_f[1], y_f[0], pos_z}, {x_f[1], y_f[0], pos_z}, {x_f[1], y_f[1], pos_z}, {x_f[1], y_f[1], pos_z}, {x_f[0], y_f[1], pos_z}, {x_f[0], y_f[1], pos_z}, {x_f[0], y_f[0], pos_z}, {x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]}, {x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]}, {x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]}, {x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]}, {x_f[1], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]}, {x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]}, {x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[1]}, {x_f[0], ruler_y_f, z_f[0]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[0]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[0]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[0]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[1]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[1], z_f[1]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[1]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[1]}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[0], z_f[0]} }); } ruler_buf.addLines( { {x_f[0], ruler_y_f, pos_z}, {x_f[1], ruler_y_f, pos_z}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[0], pos_z}, {ruler_x_f, y_f[1], pos_z}, {ruler_x_f, ruler_y_f, z_f[0]}, {ruler_x_f, ruler_y_f, z_f[1]} }); updated_bufs.emplace_back(&ruler_buf); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Toggle2DView() { gl3::GlMatrix newrot; newrot.identity(); translmat = newrot.mtx; switch (key_r_state) { case 0: break; case 1: newrot.rotate(-90.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); break; case 2: newrot.rotate(-90.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); newrot.rotate(-90.0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 3: newrot.rotate(-90.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); newrot.rotate(-180.0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 4: newrot.rotate(-90.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); newrot.rotate(-270.0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 5: newrot.rotate(180.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); break; } // if (locscene -> view != 2) // make 'R' work the same in 2D and 3D key_r_state = (key_r_state+1)%6; rotmat = newrot.mtx; } gl3::SceneInfo VisualizationSceneScalarData::GetSceneObjs() { int w, h; wnd->getWindowSize(w, h); gl3::SceneInfo scene {}; scene.needs_buffering = std::move(updated_bufs); updated_bufs.clear(); gl3::RenderParams params {}; params.model_view.identity(); params.projection.identity(); params.mesh_material = BLK_MAT; params.num_pt_lights = 0; params.static_color = this->GetLineColor(); params.use_clip_plane = false; params.contains_translucent = false; if (colorbar) { // add color bar to draw list params.projection.mtx = proj_mtx; scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &color_bar); params.projection.identity(); } if (colorbar == 1) { // caption size is in screen pixels and needs to be centered with // GL pixel size int gl_w, gl_h; wnd->getGLDrawSize(gl_w, gl_h); // add caption to draw list double v_pos = 2.; double line_h = GetFont()->getFontLineSpacing(); params.model_view.translate(-(double)caption_w / gl_w, 1.0 - 2 * v_pos * line_h / gl_h, 0.0); scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &caption_buf); } params.contains_translucent = true; if (drawaxes && drawaxes != 3) { // add coordinate cross to draw list params.projection.ortho(-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-2.,2.); params.model_view.identity(); params.model_view.translate(-1, -1, 0.0); params.model_view.scale(40.0 / w, 40.0 / h, 1); params.model_view.translate(2.0, 2.0, 0.0); params.model_view.mult(cam.RotMatrix()); params.model_view.mult(rotmat); scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &coord_cross_buf); } params.projection.mtx = proj_mtx; params.model_view.mtx = GetModelViewMtx(); if (drawaxes) { // add axes to draw list scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &axes_buf); } params.contains_translucent = false; if (ruler_on) { // add ruler to draw list params = GetMeshDrawParams(); params.use_clip_plane = false; params.contains_translucent = false; scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &ruler_buf); } return scene; } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::glTF_ExportBox( glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::buffer_id buffer, glTF_Builder::material_id black_mat) { auto white_mat = glTF_Builder::material_id{glTF_Builder::INVALID_ID}; auto box_node = AddModelNode(bld, "Box"); auto box_mesh = bld.addMesh("Box Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(box_node, box_mesh); int nlines = AddLines( bld, box_mesh, buffer, (drawaxes != 3) ? black_mat : white_mat, axes_buf); if (nlines == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no box found to export!" << endl; } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::glTF_ExportElements( glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::buffer_id buffer, glTF_Builder::material_id palette_mat, const gl3::GlDrawable &gl_drawable) { auto elements_node = AddModelNode(bld, "Elements"); auto elements_mesh = bld.addMesh("Elements Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(elements_node, elements_mesh); int ntria = AddTriangles( bld, elements_mesh, buffer, palette_mat, gl_drawable); if (ntria == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no elements found to export!" << endl; } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::glTF_ExportMesh( glTF_Builder &bld, glTF_Builder::buffer_id buffer, glTF_Builder::material_id black_mat, const gl3::GlDrawable &gl_drawable) { auto lines_node = AddModelNode(bld, "Lines"); auto lines_mesh = bld.addMesh("Lines Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(lines_node, lines_mesh); int nlines = AddLines( bld, lines_mesh, buffer, black_mat, gl_drawable); if (nlines == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no mesh/level lines found to export!" << endl; } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::glTF_Export() { cout << "glTF export is not yet implemented for this visualization mode." << endl; } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ToggleTexture() { int isSmooth = palette.GetSmoothSetting(); if (isSmooth) { palette.UseDiscrete(); cout << "Texture type : discrete" << endl; } else { palette.UseSmooth(); cout << "Texture type : smooth" << endl; } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::SetAutoscale(int _autoscale) { if (autoscale != _autoscale) { autoscale = _autoscale; DoAutoscale(true); } } VisualizationSceneScalarData::VisualizationSceneScalarData( Mesh & m, Vector & s) : a_label_x("x"), a_label_y("y"), a_label_z("z") { mesh = &m; sol = &s; Init(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::Init() { vsdata = this; wnd = GetAppWindow(); arrow_type = arrow_scaling_type = 0; scaling = 0; drawaxes = colorbar = 0; auto_ref_max = 16; auto_ref_max_surf_elem = 20000; minv = 0.0; maxv = 1.0; logscale = false; SetLogA(); PrepareCaption(); // turn on or off the caption CuttingPlane = NULL; key_r_state = 0; // static int init = 0; // if (!init) { // init = 1; wnd->setOnKeyDown('l', KeylPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('L', KeyLPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('s', KeySPressed); // wnd->setOnKeyDown('a', KeyaPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('a', Key_Mod_a_Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('A', KeyAPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('r', KeyrPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('R', KeyRPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('p', KeypPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('P', KeyPPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('h', KeyHPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('H', KeyHPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F5, KeyF5Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F6, KeyF6Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F7, KeyF7Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_BACKSLASH, KeyBackslashPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('t', KeyTPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('T', KeyTPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('g', KeygPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('G', KeyGPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('c', KeycPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('C', KeyCPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('k', KeykPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('K', KeyKPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F1, KeyF1Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F2, KeyF2Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_COMMA, KeyCommaPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_LESS, KeyLessPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('~', KeyTildePressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('`', KeyGravePressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_EXCLAIM, KeyToggleTexture); } //Set_Light(); //glEnable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); //glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); //gl->enableLight(); //gl->enableDepthTest(); //glEnable(GL_AUTO_NORMAL); //glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); if (GetMultisample() > 0) { glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); } // add black fog // glEnable(GL_FOG); // GLfloat fogcol[4] = {0,0,0,1}; // glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogcol); // glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,1.0f); SetLevelLines(minv, maxv, 15); FindNewBox(false); ruler_on = 0; ruler_x = 0.5 * (bb.x[0] + bb.x[1]); ruler_y = 0.5 * (bb.y[0] + bb.y[1]); ruler_z = 0.5 * (bb.z[0] + bb.z[1]); PrepareRuler(); autoscale = 1; } VisualizationSceneScalarData::~VisualizationSceneScalarData() { delete CuttingPlane; } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::SetNewScalingFromBox() { // double eps = 1e-12; double eps = 0.0; // Find the new scaling if (scaling) { // Scale all sides of the box to 1. xscale = yscale = zscale = 1.; if ((bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])>eps) { xscale /= (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]); } if ((bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])>eps) { yscale /= (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]); } if ((bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])>eps) { zscale /= (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]); } } else { // Find the largest side of the box in xscale xscale = bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]; yscale = bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]; zscale = bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]; if (xscale < yscale) { xscale = yscale; } if (xscale < zscale) { xscale = zscale; } // Set proportional scaling so that the largest side of the box is 1. if (xscale > eps) { xscale = ( 1.0 / xscale ); } else { xscale = 1.0; } zscale = yscale = xscale; } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::SetValueRange(double min, double max) { minv = min; maxv = max; UpdateValueRange(true); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::SetAxisLabels(const char * a_x, const char * a_y, const char * a_z) { a_label_x = a_x; a_label_y = a_y; a_label_z = a_z; PrepareAxes(); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::PrepareAxes() { // std::array blk = GetLineColor(); axes_buf.clear(); gl3::GlBuilder bld = axes_buf.createBuilder(); if (drawaxes == 3) { // glLineStipple(1, 255); bld.glBegin(GL_LINES); bld.glColor3f(1., 0., 0.); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); // bld.glColor4fv(blk.data()); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glColor3f(0., 1., 0.); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glEnd(); // bld.glColor4fv(blk.data()); // bld.setUseColor(false); // bld.glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); bld.glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); bld.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glEnd(); } else { // bld.setUseColor(false); bld.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glEnd(); } bld.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[1]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[1]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[1]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[1]); bld.glEnd(); if (drawaxes == 3) { // bld.setUseColor(true); // bld.glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); bld.glBegin(GL_LINES); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[1]); bld.glColor3f(0., 0., 1.); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glEnd(); // bld.setUseColor(false); // bld.glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); bld.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); bld.glBegin(GL_LINES); } else { bld.glBegin(GL_LINES); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[1]); } bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[0], bb.z[1]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[1]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[0]); bld.glVertex3d(bb.x[0], bb.y[1], bb.z[1]); bld.glEnd(); if (drawaxes == 3) { // bld.glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); } // Write the coordinates of the lower left and upper right corner. // glEnable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // GLfloat textcol[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // glColor3fv (textcol); if (drawaxes == 1) { int desc = GetFont()->getFontDescender(); int ox = -desc/2; int oy = -3*desc/2; ostringstream buf; buf << setprecision(4) << "(" << bb.x[0] << "," << bb.y[0] << "," << bb.z[0] << ")" ; axes_buf.addText(bb.x[0], bb.y[0], bb.z[0], ox, oy, buf.str()); ostringstream buf1; buf1 << setprecision(4) << "(" << bb.x[1] << "," << bb.y[1] << "," << bb.z[1] << ")" ; axes_buf.addText(bb.x[1], bb.y[1], bb.z[1], ox, oy, buf1.str()); } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&axes_buf); constexpr float len = 1.2f; constexpr float l = .9f, cl = .27f, cb = l-cl; coord_cross_buf.clear(); coord_cross_buf.addLines( { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, l}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, l, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {l, 0, 0} }); coord_cross_buf.addCone(0,0,cb,0,0,1, cl); coord_cross_buf.addCone(0,cb,0,0,1,0, cl); coord_cross_buf.addCone(cb,0,0,1,0,0, cl); coord_cross_buf.addText(len, 0.0f, 0.0f, a_label_x); coord_cross_buf.addText(0.0f, len, 0.0f, a_label_y); coord_cross_buf.addText(0.0f, 0.0f, len, a_label_z); updated_bufs.emplace_back(&coord_cross_buf); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::DrawPolygonLevelLines( gl3::GlBuilder& builder, double * point, int n, Array &mesh_level, bool log_vals) { int l, k, k1; double curve, t; double p[3]; for (l = 0; l < mesh_level.Size(); l++) { // Using GL_LINE_STRIP (explicitly closed for more than 2 points) // should produce the same result, however visually the level lines // have discontinuities. Using GL_LINE_LOOP does not have that problem. builder.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); curve = LogVal(mesh_level[l], log_vals); for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { k1 = (k+1)%n; if ( (curve <=point[4*k+3] && curve >= point[4*k1+3]) || (curve >=point[4*k+3] && curve <= point[4*k1+3]) ) { if ((curve - point[4*k1+3]) == 0.) { t = 1.; } else if ((curve - point[4*k+3]) == 0.) { t = 0.; } else { t = (curve - point[4*k+3]) / (point[4*k1+3]-point[4*k+3]); } p[0] = (1.0-t)*point[4*k+0]+t*point[4*k1+0]; p[1] = (1.0-t)*point[4*k+1]+t*point[4*k1+1]; p[2] = (1.0-t)*point[4*k+2]+t*point[4*k1+2]; builder.glVertex3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]); } } builder.glEnd(); } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::SetLevelLines ( double min, double max, int n, int adj) { int i; double t, eps; if (min < minv) { min = minv; cout << "min set to minv : " << min << endl; } if (max > maxv) { max = maxv; cout << "max set to maxv : " << max << endl; } nl = n; level.SetSize(nl+1); for (i = 0; i <= nl; i++) { t = (double) i / nl; level[i] = min * (1.0 - t) + t * max; } if (adj) { eps = 1.0E-5; level[0] = level[0] * (1.0 - eps) + level[1] * eps; level[nl] = level[nl] * (1.0 - eps) + level[nl-1] * eps; } if (logscale) { for (i = 0; i <= nl; i++) { level[i] = _ULogVal((level[i] - minv) / (maxv - minv)); } } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::PrintState() { cout << "\nkeys: " << GetAppWindow()->getSavedKeys() << "\n" << "\nlight " << strings_off_on[use_light ? 1 : 0] << "\nperspective " << strings_off_on[OrthogonalProjection ? 0 : 1] << "\nviewcenter " << ViewCenterX << ' ' << ViewCenterY << "\nzoom " << (OrthogonalProjection ? ViewScale : tan(M_PI / 8.) / tan(ViewAngle * (M_PI / 360.0))) << "\nvaluerange " << minv << ' ' << maxv; const float *r = glm::value_ptr(rotmat); ios::fmtflags fmt = cout.flags(); cout << fixed << showpos << "\nrotmat " << r[ 0] << ' ' << r[ 1] << ' ' << r[ 2] << ' ' << r[ 3] << "\n " << r[ 4] << ' ' << r[ 5] << ' ' << r[ 6] << ' ' << r[ 7] << "\n " << r[ 8] << ' ' << r[ 9] << ' ' << r[10] << ' ' << r[11] << "\n " << r[12] << ' ' << r[13] << ' ' << r[14] << ' ' << r[15] << '\n' << endl; cam.Print(); cout.flags(fmt); mesh->PrintInfo(cout); } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ShrinkPoints(DenseMatrix &pointmat, int i, int fn, int di) { int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int sdim = mesh->SpaceDimension(); if (shrink != 1.0) { if (dim == 2) { int d, k; for (d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { double cd = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) { cd += pointmat(d,k); } cd /= pointmat.Width(); for (k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) { pointmat(d,k) = shrink*pointmat(d,k) + (1-shrink)*cd; } } } else { int attr = mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i); for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { pointmat(d,k) = shrink*pointmat(d,k) + (1-shrink)*bdrc(d,attr-1); } } } if (shrinkmat != 1.0) { int attr, elem1, elem2; if (dim == 2 || sdim == 2) { attr = mesh->GetAttribute(i); } else { mesh->GetFaceElements(fn, &elem1, &elem2); if (di == 0) { attr = mesh->GetAttribute(elem1); } else { attr = mesh->GetAttribute(elem2); } } for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) for (int d = 0; d < pointmat.Height(); d++) { pointmat(d,k) = shrinkmat*pointmat(d,k) + (1-shrinkmat)*matc(d,attr-1); } } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ComputeBdrAttrCenter() { DenseMatrix pointmat; Vector nbdrc(mesh->bdr_attributes.Max()); int sdim = mesh->SpaceDimension(); bdrc.SetSize(sdim,mesh->bdr_attributes.Max()); bdrc = 0.0; nbdrc = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNBE(); i++) { mesh->GetBdrPointMatrix(i, pointmat); nbdrc(mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1) += pointmat.Width(); for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { bdrc(d,mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1) += pointmat(d,k); } } for (int i = 0; i < mesh->bdr_attributes.Max(); i++) if (nbdrc(i) != 0) for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { bdrc(d,i) /= nbdrc(i); } } void VisualizationSceneScalarData::ComputeElemAttrCenter() { DenseMatrix pointmat; Vector nmatc(mesh->attributes.Max()); int sdim = mesh->SpaceDimension(); matc.SetSize(sdim,mesh->attributes.Max()); matc = 0.0; nmatc = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNE(); i++) { mesh->GetPointMatrix(i, pointmat); nmatc(mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1) += pointmat.Width(); for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { matc(d,mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1) += pointmat(d,k); } } for (int i = 0; i < mesh->attributes.Max(); i++) if (nmatc(i) != 0) for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { matc(d,i) /= nmatc(i); } } Plane::Plane(double A,double B,double C,double D) { eqn[0] = A; eqn[1] = B; eqn[2] = C; eqn[3] = D; CartesianToSpherical(); double x[2] = {vsdata -> bb.x[0], vsdata -> bb.x[1]}; double y[2] = {vsdata -> bb.y[0], vsdata -> bb.y[1]}; double z[2] = {vsdata -> bb.z[0], vsdata -> bb.z[1]}; bbox_diam = sqrt ( (x[1]-x[0])*(x[1]-x[0]) + (y[1]-y[0])*(y[1]-y[0]) + (z[1]-z[0])*(z[1]-z[0]) ); x0 = (x[0]+x[1])/2.0; y0 = (y[0]+y[1])/2.0; z0 = (z[0]+z[1])/2.0; phi_step = M_PI / 36; theta_step = M_PI / 36; rho_step = bbox_diam / 200; } void Plane::CartesianToSpherical() { rho = sqrt(eqn[0]*eqn[0]+eqn[1]*eqn[1]+eqn[2]*eqn[2]); phi = asin(eqn[2]/rho); theta = atan2(eqn[1], eqn[0]); } void Plane::SphericalToCartesian() { eqn[0] = rho * cos(phi) * cos(theta); eqn[1] = rho * cos(phi) * sin(theta); eqn[2] = rho * sin(phi); eqn[3] = - (eqn[0] * x0 + eqn[1] * y0 + eqn[2] * z0); } void Plane::IncreasePhi() { phi += phi_step; SphericalToCartesian(); } void Plane::DecreasePhi() { phi -= phi_step; SphericalToCartesian(); } void Plane::IncreaseTheta() { theta += theta_step; SphericalToCartesian(); } void Plane::DecreaseTheta() { theta -= theta_step; SphericalToCartesian(); } void Plane::IncreaseDistance() { double k = (rho_step) / (rho*rho); x0 -= eqn[0] * k; y0 -= eqn[1] * k; z0 -= eqn[2] * k; eqn[3] += rho_step; CartesianToSpherical(); } void Plane::DecreaseDistance() { double k = (rho_step) / (rho*rho); x0 += eqn[0] * k; y0 += eqn[1] * k; z0 += eqn[2] * k; eqn[3] -= rho_step; CartesianToSpherical(); }