// Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-443271. // // This file is part of the GLVis visualization tool and library. For more // information and source code availability see https://glvis.org. // // GLVis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. #include #include #include #include #include "mfem.hpp" #include "visual.hpp" #include "palettes.hpp" using namespace mfem; using namespace std; thread_local VisualizationSceneSolution3d *vssol3d; extern thread_local GeometryRefiner GLVisGeometryRefiner; // Reference geometries with a cut in the middle, based on subdivision of // GLVisGeometryRefiner in 3-4 quads. Updated when cut_lambda is updated, see // keys Ctrl+F3/F4. We need these variables because the GLVisGeometryRefiner // cashes its RefinedGeometry objects. thread_local IntegrationRule cut_QuadPts; thread_local Array cut_QuadGeoms; thread_local IntegrationRule cut_TriPts; thread_local Array cut_TriGeoms; // Definitions of some more keys std::string VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetHelpString() const { std::stringstream os; os << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| Keys |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| a - Displays/Hides the axes |" << endl << "| A - Turns antialiasing on/off |" << endl << "| c - Toggle colorbar and caption |" << endl << "| C - Change the main plot caption |" << endl << "| e - Displays/Hides the elements |" << endl << "| E - Toggle the elements in the CP |" << endl << "| f - Smooth/Flat/discont. shading |" << endl << "| g - Toggle background |" << endl << "| G - Export to glTF format |" << endl << "| h - Displays help menu |" << endl << "| i - Toggle cutting plane |" << endl << "| I - Toggle cutting plane algorithm|" << endl << "| j - Turn on/off perspective |" << endl << "| k/K Adjust the transparency level |" << endl << "| ,/< Adjust color transparency |" << endl << "| l - Turns on/off the light |" << endl << "| L - Toggle logarithmic scale |" << endl << "| m - Displays/Hides the mesh |" << endl << "| M - Toggle the mesh in the CP |" << endl << "| o/O (De)refine elem, disc shading |" << endl << "| p/P Cycle through color palettes |" << endl << "| q - Quits |" << endl << "| r - Reset the plot to 3D view |" << endl << "| R - Reset the plot to 2D view |" << endl << "| s - Turn on/off unit cube scaling |" << endl << "| S - Take snapshot/Record a movie |" << endl << "| t - Cycle materials and lights |" << endl << "| u/U Move the level surface |" << endl << "| v/V Add/Delete a level surface |" << endl << "| w/W Move bdr elements up/down |" << endl << "| x/X Rotate cutting plane (phi) |" << endl << "| y/Y Rotate cutting plane (theta) |" << endl << "| z/Z Translate cutting plane |" << endl << "| \\ - Set light source position |" << endl << "| Ctrl+o - Element ordering curve |" << endl << "| Ctrl+p - Print to a PDF file |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| Function keys |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| F1 - X window info and keystrokes |" << endl << "| F2 - Update colors, etc. |" << endl << "| F3/F4 - Shrink/Zoom bdr elements |" << endl << "| Ctrl+F3/F4 - Cut face bdr elements |" << endl << "| F5 - Set level lines |" << endl << "| F6 - Palette options |" << endl << "| F7 - Manually set min/max value |" << endl << "| F8 - List of subdomains to show |" << endl << "| F9/F10 - Walk through subdomains |" << endl << "| F11/F12 - Shrink/Zoom subdomains |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| Keypad |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| 1-9 Small rotation, reset with 5 |" << endl << "| *,/ Scale up/down |" << endl << "| +/- Change z-scaling |" << endl << "| . - Start/stop spinning |" << endl << "| 0/Enter - Spinning speed and dir. |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| Mouse |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl << "| left btn - Rotation |" << endl << "| middle btn - Translation |" << endl << "| right btn - Scaling |" << endl << "| left + Alt - Tilt |" << endl << "| left + Shift - Spinning |" << endl << "| right + Shift - Change light pos. |" << endl << "| left + Ctrl - Spherical rotation |" << endl << "| middle+ Ctrl - Object translation |" << endl << "| right + Ctrl - Object scaling |" << endl << "| left + Ctrl + Shift - z-Spinning |" << endl << "+------------------------------------+" << endl; return os.str(); } static void KeyiPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleCuttingPlane(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyIPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleCPAlgorithm(); SendExposeEvent(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareOrderingCurve() { bool color = draworder < 3; order_buf.clear(); order_noarrow_buf.clear(); PrepareOrderingCurve1(order_buf, true, color); PrepareOrderingCurve1(order_noarrow_buf, false, color); updated_bufs.emplace_back(&order_buf); updated_bufs.emplace_back(&order_noarrow_buf); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareOrderingCurve1(gl3::GlDrawable& buf, bool arrows, bool color) { gl3::GlBuilder builder = buf.createBuilder(); // make the lines of the ordering curve thicker double ThicknessFactor = 2.0; double MS_Thickness = 2.0; double LineWidth; if (GetMultisample() > 0) { LineWidth = GetLineWidthMS(); SetLineWidthMS(MS_Thickness); } else { LineWidth = GetLineWidth(); SetLineWidth(ThicknessFactor*LineWidth); } DenseMatrix pointmat; Array vertices; DenseMatrix pointmat1; Array vertices1; int ne = mesh->GetNE(); for (int k = 0; k < ne-1; k++) { mesh->GetPointMatrix (k, pointmat); mesh->GetElementVertices (k, vertices); mesh->GetPointMatrix (k+1, pointmat1); mesh->GetElementVertices (k+1, vertices1); int nv = vertices.Size(); int nv1 = vertices1.Size(); ShrinkPoints(pointmat, k, 0, 0); ShrinkPoints(pointmat1, k+1, 0, 0); double xs = 0.0; double ys = 0.0; double zs = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++) { xs += pointmat(0,j); ys += pointmat(1,j); zs += pointmat(2,j); } xs /= nv; ys /= nv; zs /= nv; double xs1 = 0.0; double ys1 = 0.0; double zs1 = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < nv1; j++) { xs1 += pointmat1(0,j); ys1 += pointmat1(1,j); zs1 += pointmat1(2,j); } xs1 /= nv1; ys1 /= nv1; zs1 /= nv1; double dx = xs1-xs; double dy = ys1-ys; double dz = zs1-zs; double ds = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); if (color) { double cval = minv+double(k)/ne*(maxv-minv); MySetColor(builder, cval, minv, maxv); } if (arrows) { Arrow3(builder, xs,ys,zs, dx,dy,dz, ds,0.05); } else { Arrow3(builder, xs,ys,zs, dx,dy,dz, ds,0.0); } } if (GetMultisample() > 0) { SetLineWidthMS(LineWidth); } else { SetLineWidth(LineWidth); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::CPPrepare() { PrepareCuttingPlane(); PrepareCuttingPlaneLines(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::CPMoved() { CPPrepare(); if (cplane == 2) { Prepare(); PrepareLines(); } } static void KeyxPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> IncreasePhi(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyXPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> DecreasePhi(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyyPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> IncreaseTheta(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyYPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> DecreaseTheta(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyzPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> IncreaseDistance(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyZPressed() { vssol3d -> CuttingPlane -> DecreaseDistance(); vssol3d -> FindNodePos(); vssol3d -> CPMoved(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeymPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleDrawMesh(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyePressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleDrawElems(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyMPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleCPDrawMesh(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyEPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleCPDrawElems(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyFPressed() { vssol3d -> ToggleShading(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyoPressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_CTRL) { vssol3d -> ToggleDrawOrdering(); vssol3d -> PrepareOrderingCurve(); SendExposeEvent(); } else { if (vssol3d -> TimesToRefine < 32) { cout << "Subdivision factor = " << ++vssol3d->TimesToRefine << endl; if (vssol3d -> GetShading() == 2) { vssol3d->DoAutoscale(false); vssol3d -> Prepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> CPPrepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLevelSurf(); SendExposeEvent(); } } } } static void KeyOPressed() { if (vssol3d -> TimesToRefine > 1) { cout << "Subdivision factor = " << --vssol3d->TimesToRefine << endl; if (vssol3d -> GetShading() == 2) { vssol3d->DoAutoscale(false); vssol3d -> Prepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> CPPrepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLevelSurf(); SendExposeEvent(); } } } static void KeywPressed() { if (vssol3d -> GetShading() == 2) { if ( fabs(vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale += 0.01) < 0.001 ) { vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale = 0.0; } cout << "New Shift Scale: " << vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale << endl; vssol3d -> Prepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> CPPrepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } } static void KeyWPressed() { if (vssol3d -> GetShading() == 2) { if ( fabs(vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale -= 0.01) < 0.001 ) { vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale = 0.0; } cout << "New Shift Scale: " << vssol3d -> FaceShiftScale << endl; vssol3d -> Prepare(); vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> CPPrepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } } static void KeyuPressed() { vssol3d -> MoveLevelSurf(+1); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyUPressed() { vssol3d -> MoveLevelSurf(-1); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyvPressed() { vssol3d -> NumberOfLevelSurf(+1); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyVPressed() { vssol3d -> NumberOfLevelSurf(-1); SendExposeEvent(); } static int magic_key_pressed = 0; void ToggleMagicKey() { magic_key_pressed = 1-magic_key_pressed; } static void KeyF3Pressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_CTRL) { if (vssol3d->cut_lambda <= 0.95) { vssol3d->cut_lambda += 0.05; vssol3d->cut_updated = false; } if (fabs(vssol3d->cut_lambda-1.0) < 1e-12) // snap to 1 { vssol3d->cut_lambda = 1.0; } vssol3d->Prepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } else { if (vssol3d->GetShading() == 2) { if (vssol3d->GetMesh()->Dimension() == 3 && vssol3d->bdrc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeBdrAttrCenter(); } if (vssol3d->GetMesh()->Dimension() == 2 && vssol3d->matc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeElemAttrCenter(); } vssol3d->shrink *= 0.9; if (magic_key_pressed) { vssol3d -> Scale(1.11111111111111111111111); } SendExposeEvent(); vssol3d->Prepare(); vssol3d->PrepareLines(); SendExposeEvent(); } } } static void KeyF4Pressed(GLenum state) { if (state & KMOD_CTRL) { if (vssol3d->cut_lambda >= 0.05) { vssol3d->cut_lambda -= 0.05; vssol3d->cut_updated = false; } if (fabs(vssol3d->cut_lambda-0.0) < 1e-12) // snap to 0 { vssol3d->cut_lambda = 0.0; } vssol3d->Prepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } else { if (vssol3d->GetShading() == 2) { if (vssol3d->GetMesh()->Dimension() == 3 && vssol3d->bdrc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeBdrAttrCenter(); } if (vssol3d->GetMesh()->Dimension() == 2 && vssol3d->matc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeElemAttrCenter(); } vssol3d->shrink *= 1.11111111111111111111111; if (magic_key_pressed) { vssol3d -> Scale(0.9); } vssol3d->Prepare(); vssol3d->PrepareLines(); SendExposeEvent(); } } } static void KeyF11Pressed() { if (vssol3d->GetShading() == 2) { if (vssol3d->matc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeElemAttrCenter(); } vssol3d->shrinkmat *= 0.9; if (magic_key_pressed) { vssol3d -> Scale(1.11111111111111111111111); } vssol3d->Prepare(); vssol3d->PrepareLines(); SendExposeEvent(); } } static void KeyF12Pressed() { if (vssol3d->GetShading() == 2) { if (vssol3d->matc.Width() == 0) { vssol3d->ComputeElemAttrCenter(); } vssol3d->shrinkmat *= 1.11111111111111111111111; if (magic_key_pressed) { vssol3d -> Scale(0.9); } vssol3d->Prepare(); vssol3d->PrepareLines(); SendExposeEvent(); } } static void KeyF8Pressed() { Mesh &mesh = *vssol3d->GetMesh(); int dim = mesh.Dimension(); const Array &all_attr = ((dim == 3) ? mesh.bdr_attributes : mesh.attributes); Array &attr_marker = vssol3d->bdr_attr_to_show; int attr; Array attr_list(&attr, 1); cout << ((dim == 3) ? "Bdr a" : "A") << "ttributes ON: "; for (int i = 0; i < all_attr.Size(); i++) if (attr_marker[all_attr[i]-1]) { cout << " " << all_attr[i]; } cout << endl; cout << ((dim == 3) ? "Bdr a" : "A") << "ttribute to toggle : " << flush; cin >> attr; vssol3d->ToggleAttributes(attr_list); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyF9Pressed() { Mesh &mesh = *vssol3d->GetMesh(); int dim = mesh.Dimension(); const Array &attr_list = ((dim == 3) ? mesh.bdr_attributes : mesh.attributes); Array &attr_marker = vssol3d->bdr_attr_to_show; int attr, n, j, i; if (attr_list.Size() == 0) { return; } for (i = j = n = 0; i < attr_list.Size(); i++) if (attr_marker[attr_list[i]-1]) { j = i, n++; } if (n == 1) { j = (j + 1) % (attr_list.Size() + 1); } else { j = 0; } if (j == attr_list.Size()) { attr_marker = 1; cout << "Showing all " << ((dim == 3) ? "bdr " : "") << "attributes " << endl; } else { attr = attr_list[j]; attr_marker = 0; attr_marker[attr-1] = 1; cout << "Showing " << ((dim == 3) ? "bdr " : "") << "attribute " << attr << endl; } vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> Prepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } static void KeyF10Pressed() { Mesh &mesh = *vssol3d->GetMesh(); int dim = mesh.Dimension(); const Array &attr_list = ((dim == 3) ? mesh.bdr_attributes : mesh.attributes); Array &attr_marker = vssol3d->bdr_attr_to_show; int attr, n, j, i; if (attr_list.Size() == 0) { return; } n = 0; for (i = j = n = 0; i < attr_list.Size(); i++) if (attr_marker[attr_list[i]-1]) { j = i, n++; } if (n == 1) { j = (j + attr_list.Size()) % (attr_list.Size() + 1); } else { j = attr_list.Size() - 1; } if (j == attr_list.Size()) { attr_marker = 1; cout << "Showing all " << ((dim == 3) ? "bdr " : "") << "attributes " << endl; } else { attr = attr_list[j]; attr_marker = 0; attr_marker[attr-1] = 1; cout << "Showing " << ((dim == 3) ? "bdr " : "") << "attribute " << attr << endl; } vssol3d -> PrepareLines(); vssol3d -> Prepare(); SendExposeEvent(); } VisualizationSceneSolution3d::VisualizationSceneSolution3d() {} VisualizationSceneSolution3d::VisualizationSceneSolution3d(Mesh &m, Vector &s) { mesh = &m; sol = &s; GridF = NULL; Init(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::Init() { vssol3d = this; cplane = 0; cp_drawmesh = 0; cp_drawelems = 1; drawlsurf = 0; cp_algo = 0; drawelems = shading = 1; drawmesh = 0; draworder = 0; scaling = 0; shrink = 1.0; shrinkmat = 1.0; bdrc.SetSize(3,0); matc.SetSize(3,0); TimesToRefine = 1; FaceShiftScale = 0.0; if (mesh->Dimension() == 3) { if (!mesh->bdr_attributes.Size()) { MFEM_WARNING("Missing boundary attributes!"); } bdr_attr_to_show.SetSize(mesh->bdr_attributes.Size() > 0 ? mesh->bdr_attributes.Max() : 0); } else { if (!mesh->attributes.Size()) { MFEM_WARNING("Missing element attributes!"); } bdr_attr_to_show.SetSize(mesh->attributes.Size() > 0 ? mesh->attributes.Max() : 0); } bdr_attr_to_show = 1; VisualizationSceneScalarData::Init(); // calls FindNewBox FindNewValueRange(false); node_pos = new double[mesh->GetNV()]; palette.SetIndex(12); // use the 'vivid' palette in 3D double eps = 1e-6; // move the cutting plane a bit to avoid artifacts CuttingPlane = new Plane(-1.0,0.0,0.0,(0.5-eps)*bb.x[0]+(0.5+eps)*bb.x[1]); nlevels = 1; FindNodePos(); // static int init = 0; // if (!init) { // init = 1; wnd->setOnKeyDown('m', KeymPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('M', KeyMPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('e', KeyePressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('E', KeyEPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('f', KeyFPressed); // wnd->setOnKeyDown('F', KeyFPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('i', KeyiPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('I', KeyIPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('o', KeyoPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('O', KeyOPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('w', KeywPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('W', KeyWPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('x', KeyxPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('X', KeyXPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('y', KeyyPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('Y', KeyYPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('z', KeyzPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('Z', KeyZPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('u', KeyuPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('U', KeyUPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('v', KeyvPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown('V', KeyVPressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F3, KeyF3Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F4, KeyF4Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR, ToggleMagicKey); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F8, KeyF8Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F9, KeyF9Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F10, KeyF10Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F11, KeyF11Pressed); wnd->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_F12, KeyF12Pressed); } Prepare(); PrepareLines(); CPPrepare(); PrepareLevelSurf(); PrepareOrderingCurve(); } VisualizationSceneSolution3d::~VisualizationSceneSolution3d() { delete [] node_pos; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::NewMeshAndSolution( Mesh *new_m, Vector *new_sol, GridFunction *new_u) { if (mesh->GetNV() != new_m->GetNV()) { delete [] node_pos; node_pos = new double[new_m->GetNV()]; } // If the number of surface elements changes, recompute the refinement factor if (mesh->Dimension() != new_m->Dimension() || (mesh->Dimension() == 2 && mesh->GetNE() != new_m->GetNE()) || (mesh->Dimension() == 3 && mesh->GetNBE() != new_m->GetNBE())) { mesh = new_m; int ref = GetAutoRefineFactor(); if (TimesToRefine != ref) { TimesToRefine = ref; cout << "Subdivision factor = " << TimesToRefine << endl; } } mesh = new_m; sol = new_sol; GridF = new_u; FindNodePos(); DoAutoscale(false); Prepare(); PrepareLines(); CPPrepare(); PrepareLevelSurf(); PrepareOrderingCurve(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::SetShading(int s, bool print) { if (shading == s || s < 0) { return; } if (s > 2 || (GridF == NULL && s > 1)) { return; } int os = shading; shading = s; if (GridF != NULL && (s == 2 || os == 2)) { DoAutoscale(false); PrepareLines(); CPPrepare(); } Prepare(); PrepareLevelSurf(); static const char *shading_type[3] = {"flat", "smooth", "non-conforming (with subdivision)"}; if (print) { cout << "Shading type : " << shading_type[shading] << endl; } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleShading() { if (GridF) { SetShading((shading+1)%3, true); } else { SetShading(1-shading, true); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::SetRefineFactors(int f, int ignored) { if (TimesToRefine == f || f < 1) { return; } TimesToRefine = f; if (shading == 2) { DoAutoscale(false); Prepare(); PrepareLines(); CPPrepare(); PrepareOrderingCurve(); } } int VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetAutoRefineFactor() { int ne = mesh->GetNBE(), ref = 1; if (mesh->Dimension() == 2) { ne = mesh->GetNE(); } while (ref < auto_ref_max && ne*(ref+1)*(ref+1) <= auto_ref_max_surf_elem) { ref++; } return ref; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::AutoRefine() { int ref = GetAutoRefineFactor(); cout << "Subdivision factor = " << ref << endl; SetRefineFactors(ref, 1); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleAttributes(Array &attr_list) { int dim = mesh->Dimension(); Array &attr_marker = bdr_attr_to_show; for (int i = 0; i < attr_list.Size(); i++) { int attr = attr_list[i]; if (attr < 1) { cout << "Hiding all" << ((dim == 3) ? " bdr" : "") << " attributes." << endl; attr_marker = 0; } else if (attr > attr_marker.Size()) { cout << "Showing all" << ((dim == 3) ? " bdr" : "") << " attributes." << endl; attr_marker = 1; } else { attr_marker[attr-1] = !attr_marker[attr-1]; } } PrepareLines(); Prepare(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::FindNewBox(bool prepare) { int nv = mesh -> GetNV(); double *coord = mesh->GetVertex(0); bb.x[0] = bb.x[1] = coord[0]; bb.y[0] = bb.y[1] = coord[1]; bb.z[0] = bb.z[1] = coord[2]; for (int i = 1; i < nv; i++) { coord = mesh->GetVertex(i); if (coord[0] < bb.x[0]) { bb.x[0] = coord[0]; } if (coord[1] < bb.y[0]) { bb.y[0] = coord[1]; } if (coord[2] < bb.z[0]) { bb.z[0] = coord[2]; } if (coord[0] > bb.x[1]) { bb.x[1] = coord[0]; } if (coord[1] > bb.y[1]) { bb.y[1] = coord[1]; } if (coord[2] > bb.z[1]) { bb.z[1] = coord[2]; } } if (shading == 2) { int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int ne = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); int fn, fo; DenseMatrix pointmat; RefinedGeometry *RefG; IntegrationRule eir; FaceElementTransformations *Tr; ElementTransformation *T; for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &fn, &fo); RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh->GetFaceBaseGeometry(fn), TimesToRefine); Tr = mesh->GetFaceElementTransformations(fn, 5); eir.SetSize(RefG->RefPts.GetNPoints()); Tr->Loc1.Transform(RefG->RefPts, eir); Tr->Elem1->Transform(eir, pointmat); } else { T = mesh->GetElementTransformation(i); RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i), TimesToRefine); T->Transform(RefG->RefPts, pointmat); } for (int j = 0; j < pointmat.Width(); j++) { if (pointmat(0,j) < bb.x[0]) { bb.x[0] = pointmat(0,j); } if (pointmat(1,j) < bb.y[0]) { bb.y[0] = pointmat(1,j); } if (pointmat(2,j) < bb.z[0]) { bb.z[0] = pointmat(2,j); } if (pointmat(0,j) > bb.x[1]) { bb.x[1] = pointmat(0,j); } if (pointmat(1,j) > bb.y[1]) { bb.y[1] = pointmat(1,j); } if (pointmat(2,j) > bb.z[1]) { bb.z[1] = pointmat(2,j); } } } } UpdateBoundingBox(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::FindNewValueRange(bool prepare) { if (shading < 2) { minv = sol->Min(); maxv = sol->Max(); } else { minv = GridF->Min(); maxv = GridF->Max(); } FixValueRange(); UpdateValueRange(prepare); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::EventUpdateColors() { Prepare(); PrepareCuttingPlane(); PrepareLevelSurf(); PrepareOrderingCurve(); if (shading == 2 && drawmesh != 0 && FaceShiftScale != 0.0) { PrepareLines(); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::UpdateValueRange(bool prepare) { logscale = logscale && LogscaleRange(); palette.SetUseLogscale(logscale); SetLogA(); SetLevelLines(minv, maxv, nl); if (prepare) { UpdateLevelLines(); EventUpdateColors(); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::FindNodePos() { int i, nnodes = mesh -> GetNV(); for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { node_pos[i] = CuttingPlane -> Transform (mesh -> GetVertex (i)); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleDrawMesh() { drawmesh = (drawmesh+1)%3; PrepareLines(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleCuttingPlane() { if (cplane == 2 && cp_drawmesh == 3) { cp_drawmesh = 2; } cplane = (cplane+1)%3; #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "cplane = " << cplane << endl; #endif CPPrepare(); if (cplane == 0 || cplane == 2) { Prepare(); PrepareLines(); PrepareOrderingCurve(); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleCPDrawElems() { cp_drawelems = 1-cp_drawelems; PrepareCuttingPlane(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleCPDrawMesh() { if (cplane == 1) { cp_drawmesh = (cp_drawmesh+1)%3; } else if (cplane == 2) { cp_drawmesh = (cp_drawmesh+1)%4; } PrepareCuttingPlaneLines(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::ToggleCPAlgorithm() { cp_algo = (cp_algo+1)%2; if (shading == 2 && cplane == 1) { CPPrepare(); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::MoveLevelSurf(int move) { drawlsurf += move; if (drawlsurf < 0) { drawlsurf = 0; } if (drawlsurf > 49) { drawlsurf = 49; } PrepareLevelSurf(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::NumberOfLevelSurf(int c) { nlevels += c; if (nlevels < 1) { nlevels = 1; } PrepareLevelSurf(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetFaceNormals( const int FaceNo, const int side, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &normals) { // match the way GridFunction::GetFaceValues works double aJInv[9], alnor[3]; DenseMatrix JInv(aJInv, 3, 3); Vector lnor(alnor, 3), nr; IntegrationRule eir(ir.GetNPoints()); FaceElementTransformations *Tr; normals.SetSize(3, ir.GetNPoints()); ElementTransformation *ETr; IntegrationPointTransformation *LTr; if (side == 0) { Tr = mesh->GetFaceElementTransformations(FaceNo, 5); ETr = Tr->Elem1; LTr = &Tr->Loc1; } else { Tr = mesh->GetFaceElementTransformations(FaceNo, 10); ETr = Tr->Elem2; LTr = &Tr->Loc2; } LTr->Transform(ir, eir); for (int i = 0; i < normals.Width(); i++) { LTr->Transf.SetIntPoint(&ir.IntPoint(i)); CalcOrtho(LTr->Transf.Jacobian(), lnor); ETr->SetIntPoint(&eir.IntPoint(i)); const DenseMatrix &Jac = ETr->Jacobian(); CalcInverse(Jac, JInv); normals.GetColumnReference(i, nr); JInv.MultTranspose(lnor, nr); } if (side) { normals *= -1.; } JInv.ClearExternalData(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedSurf( int n, double *points, int elem, int func, int part) { int i, j; RefinedGeometry *RefG; IntegrationPointTransformation ip_transf; switch (n) { case 3: RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(Geometry::TRIANGLE, TimesToRefine); ip_transf.Transf.SetFE (&TriangleFE); break; case 4: RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(Geometry::SQUARE, TimesToRefine); ip_transf.Transf.SetFE (&QuadrilateralFE); break; case 5: DrawRefinedSurf (3, points, elem, func, 0); // draw (0,1,2) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { points[4+i] = points[i]; // move point 0 to point 1 } DrawRefinedSurf (4, points+4, elem, func, 1); // draw (0,2,3,4) return; case 6: DrawRefinedSurf (4, points, elem, func, 0); // draw (0,1,2,3) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { points[8+i] = points[i]; // move point 0 to point 2 } DrawRefinedSurf (4, points+8, elem, func, 1); // draw (0,3,4,5) return; default: return; } DenseMatrix &pm = ip_transf.Transf.GetPointMat(); pm.SetSize (3, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pm(j,i) = points[4*i+j]; } IntegrationRule tir (RefG -> RefPts.GetNPoints()); ip_transf.Transform (RefG -> RefPts, tir); DenseMatrix pointmat; Vector values; GridF -> GetValues (elem, tir, values, pointmat); LiftRefinedSurf (n, pointmat, values, NULL); switch (func) { case 1: DrawRefinedSurf (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefGeoms); break; case 2: DrawRefinedSurfEdges (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefEdges, part); break; case 3: DrawRefinedSurfLevelLines (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefGeoms); break; } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::LiftRefinedSurf( int n, DenseMatrix &pointmat, Vector &values, int *RG) { int i, j; if (FaceShiftScale == 0.0) { return; } double norm[3]; if (RG == NULL) // use the normal vector of the cutting plane { double *eqn = CuttingPlane -> Equation(); norm[0] = -eqn[0]; norm[1] = -eqn[1]; norm[2] = -eqn[2]; } else { // use the normal vector to the polygon defined by // the points with indexes given by the first n integers in RG double pts[4][3]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pts[i][j] = pointmat(j,RG[i]); } if (n > 3) { j = Compute3DUnitNormal (pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], norm); } else { j = Compute3DUnitNormal (pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], norm); } if (j) { // could not compute normal cerr << "WARNING: VisualizationSceneSolution3d::LiftRefinedSurf" << endl; return; } } double bbox_diam = sqrt ( (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])*(bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]) + (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])*(bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]) + (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])*(bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]) ); double sc = FaceShiftScale * bbox_diam; for (i = 0; i < pointmat.Width(); i++) { double val = sc * (values(i) - minv) / (maxv - minv); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pointmat(j, i) += val * norm[j]; } } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedSurf( int n, DenseMatrix &pointmat, Vector &values, Array &RefGeoms) { double norm[3], pts[4][3]; gl3::GlBuilder draw = cplane_buf.createBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < RefGeoms.Size()/n; i++) { int *RG = &(RefGeoms[i*n]); int j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) { pts[j][l] = pointmat(l, RG[j]); } if (n > 3) { j = Compute3DUnitNormal (pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], norm); } else { j = Compute3DUnitNormal (pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], norm); } if (!j) { draw.glBegin (GL_POLYGON); draw.glNormal3dv (norm); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { MySetColor (draw, values(RG[j]), minv, maxv); draw.glVertex3dv (pts[j]); } draw.glEnd(); } /* else cerr << "WARNING: VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedSurf" << endl; */ } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedSurfEdges( int n, DenseMatrix &pointmat, Vector &values, Array &RefEdges, int part) { int k, k_start, k_end; k_start = 0; k_end = RefEdges.Size(); gl3::GlBuilder line = cplines_buf.createBuilder(); if (part == 0) { k_end = (k_end/n) * (n-1); } if (part == 1) { k_start = (k_end/n); } line.glBegin(GL_LINES); for (k = k_start; k < k_end; k++) { int RE = RefEdges[k]; line.glVertex3d (pointmat(0, RE), pointmat(1, RE), pointmat(2, RE)); } line.glEnd(); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedSurfLevelLines( int n, DenseMatrix &pointmat, Vector &values, Array &RefGeoms) { int j, k; int *RG; double point[4][4]; gl3::GlBuilder line = cplines_buf.createBuilder(); for (k = 0; k < RefGeoms.Size()/n; k++) { RG = &(RefGeoms[k*n]); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { point[j][i] = pointmat(i, RG[j]); } point[j][3] = values(RG[j]); } DrawPolygonLevelLines(line, point[0], n, level, false); } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareFlat() { int i, j; disp_buf.clear(); int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int ne = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); DenseMatrix pointmat; Array vertices; double p[4][3], c[4]; for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { if (dim == 3) { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } if (cplane == 2) { // for cplane == 2, get vertices of the volume element, not bdr int f, o, e1, e2; mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &f, &o); mesh->GetFaceElements(f, &e1, &e2); mesh->GetElementVertices(e1, vertices); } else { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(i, vertices); } } else { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } mesh->GetElementVertices(i, vertices); } if (cplane == 2 && CheckPositions(vertices)) { continue; } if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrPointMatrix(i, pointmat); } else { mesh->GetPointMatrix(i, pointmat); } for (j = 0; j < pointmat.Width(); j++) { p[j][0] = pointmat(0, j); p[j][1] = pointmat(1, j); p[j][2] = pointmat(2, j); c[j] = (*sol)(vertices[j]); } if (j == 3) { if (cut_lambda > 0) { DrawCutTriangle(disp_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } else { DrawTriangle(disp_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } } else { if (cut_lambda > 0) { DrawCutQuad(disp_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } else { DrawQuad(disp_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&disp_buf); } // Cut the reference square by subdividing it into 4 trapezoids with a central // square removed: (fl,fl)-(fr,fl)-(fr,fr)-(fl,fr). The input RefG corresponds // to the reference square. The value of lambda controls the cut: 0 = no cut, 1 // = full cut. See keys Ctrl+F3/F4. static void CutReferenceSquare(RefinedGeometry *RefG, double lambda, IntegrationRule &RefPts, Array &RefGeoms) { // lambda * vertex + (1-lambda) * center double fl = (1.0-lambda)/2.0; // left corner of the cut frame double fr = (1.0+lambda)/2.0; // right corner of the cut frame int np = RefG->RefPts.Size(); RefPts.SetSize(4*np); for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { double X = RefG->RefPts[i].x; double Y = RefG->RefPts[i].y; // First order unit square basis functions double phi3 = (1.0-X)*Y, phi2 = X*Y; // (0,1)-(1,1) double phi0 = (1.0-X)*(1.0-Y), phi1 = X*(1.0-Y); // (0,0)-(1,0) // bottom trapezoid: (0,0)-(1,1)-(fr,fl)-(fl,fl) RefPts[i].x = phi1 + fr * phi2 + fl * phi3; RefPts[i].y = fl * phi2 + fl * phi3; // right trapezoid: (fr,fl)-(1,0)-(1,1)-(fr,fr) RefPts[i+np].x = fr * phi0 + phi1 + phi2 + fr * phi3; RefPts[i+np].y = fl * phi0 + phi2 + fr * phi3; // top trapezoid: (fl,fr)-(fr,fr)-(1,1)-(0,1) RefPts[i+2*np].x = fl * phi0 + fr * phi1 + phi2; RefPts[i+2*np].y = fr * phi0 + fr * phi1 + phi2 + phi3; // left trapezoid: (0,0)-(fl,fl)-(fl,fr)-(0,1) RefPts[i+3*np].x = fl * phi1 + fl * phi2; RefPts[i+3*np].y = fl * phi1 + fr * phi2 + phi3; RefPts[i].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; RefPts[i+np].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; RefPts[i+2*np].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; RefPts[i+3*np].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; } int ne = RefG->RefGeoms.Size(); RefGeoms.SetSize(4*ne); for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { RefGeoms[i] = RefG->RefGeoms[i]; RefGeoms[i+ne] = RefG->RefGeoms[i] + np; RefGeoms[i+2*ne] = RefG->RefGeoms[i] + 2*np; RefGeoms[i+3*ne] = RefG->RefGeoms[i] + 3*np; } } // Cut the reference triangle by subdividing it into 3 trapezoids with a central // triangle removed: (fl,fl)-(fr,fl)-(fl,fr). Note that the input RefG // corresponds to a reference square, not reference triangle. The value of // lambda controls the cut: 0 = no cut, 1 = full cut. See keys Ctrl+F3/F4. static void CutReferenceTriangle(RefinedGeometry *RefG, double lambda, IntegrationRule &RefPts, Array &RefGeoms) { // lambda * vertex + (1-lambda) * center double fl = (1.0-lambda)/3.0; // left corner of the cut frame double fr = (1.0+2.0*lambda)/3.0; // right corner of the cut frame int np = RefG->RefPts.Size(); RefPts.SetSize(3*np); for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { double X = RefG->RefPts[i].x; double Y = RefG->RefPts[i].y; // First order unit square basis functions double phi3 = (1.0-X)*Y, phi2 = X*Y; // (0,1)-(1,1) double phi0 = (1.0-X)*(1.0-Y), phi1 = X*(1.0-Y); // (0,0)-(1,0) // bottom trapezoid: (0,0)-(1,0)-(fr,fl)-(fl,fl) RefPts[i].x = phi1 + fr * phi2 + fl * phi3; RefPts[i].y = fl * phi2 + fl * phi3; // diagonal trapezoid: (fr,fl)-(1,0)-(0,1)-(fl,fr) RefPts[i+np].x = fr * phi0 + phi1 + fl * phi3; RefPts[i+np].y = fl * phi0 + phi2 + fr * phi3; // left trapezoid: (0,0)-(fl,fl)-(fl,fr)-(0,1) RefPts[i+2*np].x = fl * phi1 + fl * phi2; RefPts[i+2*np].y = fl * phi1 + fr * phi2 + phi3; RefPts[i].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; RefPts[i+np].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; RefPts[i+2*np].z = RefG->RefPts[i].z; } int ne = RefG->RefGeoms.Size(); RefGeoms.SetSize(3*ne); for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { RefGeoms[i] = RefG->RefGeoms[i]; RefGeoms[i+ne] = RefG->RefGeoms[i] + np; RefGeoms[i+2*ne] = RefG->RefGeoms[i] + 2*np; } } // Call CutReferenceTriangle and CutReferenceSquare to update the global // variables cut_TriPts, cut_TriGeoms, cut_QuadPts, cut_QuadGeoms. void CutReferenceElements(int TimesToRefine, double lambda) { RefinedGeometry *RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(Geometry::SQUARE, TimesToRefine); CutReferenceTriangle(RefG, lambda, cut_TriPts, cut_TriGeoms); CutReferenceSquare(RefG, lambda, cut_QuadPts, cut_QuadGeoms); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareFlat2() { int fn, fo, di, have_normals; double bbox_diam, vmin, vmax; disp_buf.clear(); int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int nbe = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); DenseMatrix pointmat, normals; Vector values, normal; RefinedGeometry * RefG; Array vertices; double norm[3]; IsoparametricTransformation T; bbox_diam = sqrt ( (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])*(bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]) + (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])*(bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]) + (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])*(bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]) ); double sc = FaceShiftScale * bbox_diam; vmin = numeric_limits::infinity(); vmax = -vmin; for (int i = 0; i < nbe; i++) { int sides; switch ((dim == 3) ? mesh->GetBdrElementType(i) : mesh->GetElementType(i)) { case Element::TRIANGLE: sides = 3; break; case Element::QUADRILATERAL: default: sides = 4; break; } if (dim == 3) { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } if (cplane == 2) { // for cplane == 2, get vertices of the volume element, not bdr int f, o, e1, e2; mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &f, &o); mesh->GetFaceElements(f, &e1, &e2); mesh->GetElementVertices(e1, vertices); } else { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(i, vertices); } } else { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } mesh->GetElementVertices(i, vertices); } if (cplane == 2 && CheckPositions(vertices)) { continue; } if (dim == 3) { mesh -> GetBdrElementFace (i, &fn, &fo); RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (fn), TimesToRefine); if (!cut_updated) { // Update the cut version of the reference geometries CutReferenceElements(TimesToRefine, cut_lambda); cut_updated = true; } // di = GridF -> GetFaceValues (fn, 2, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); // this assumes the interior boundary faces are properly oriented ... di = fo % 2; if (di == 1 && !mesh->FaceIsInterior(fn)) { di = 0; } IntegrationRule &RefPts = (cut_lambda > 0) ? ((sides == 3) ? cut_TriPts : cut_QuadPts) : RefG->RefPts; GridF -> GetFaceValues (fn, di, RefPts, values, pointmat); GetFaceNormals(fn, di, RefPts,normals); have_normals = 1; ShrinkPoints(pointmat, i, fn, di); } else { RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i), TimesToRefine); if (!cut_updated) { // Update the cut version of the reference geometries CutReferenceElements(TimesToRefine, cut_lambda); cut_updated = true; } const IntegrationRule &ir = (cut_lambda > 0) ? ((sides == 3) ? cut_TriPts : cut_QuadPts) : RefG->RefPts; GridF->GetValues(i, ir, values, pointmat); normals.SetSize(3, values.Size()); mesh->GetElementTransformation(i, &T); for (int j = 0; j < values.Size(); j++) { T.SetIntPoint(&ir.IntPoint(j)); const DenseMatrix &J = T.Jacobian(); normals.GetColumnReference(j, normal); CalcOrtho(J, normal); normal /= normal.Norml2(); } have_normals = 1; di = 0; ShrinkPoints(pointmat, i, 0, 0); } vmin = fmin(vmin, values.Min()); vmax = fmax(vmax, values.Max()); // compute an average normal direction for the current face if (sc != 0.0) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { norm[j] = 0.0; } Normalize(normals); for (int k = 0; k < normals.Width(); k++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { norm[j] += normals(j, k); } Normalize(norm); for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) { double val = sc * (values(k) - minv) / (maxv - minv); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pointmat(j, k) += val * norm[j]; } } have_normals = 0; } have_normals = have_normals ? 2 : 0; if (di) { have_normals = -1 - have_normals; } // Comment the above lines and use the below version in order to remove // the 3D dark artifacts (indicating wrong boundary element orientation) // have_normals = have_normals ? 1 : 0; Array &RefGeoms = (cut_lambda > 0) ? ((sides == 3) ? cut_TriGeoms : cut_QuadGeoms) : RefG->RefGeoms; int psides = (cut_lambda > 0) ? 4 : sides; DrawPatch(disp_buf, pointmat, values, normals, psides, RefGeoms, minv, maxv, have_normals); } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&disp_buf); cout << "VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareFlat2() : [min,max] = [" << vmin << "," << vmax << "]" << endl; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::Prepare() { int j; if (!drawelems) { return; } switch (shading) { case 0: PrepareFlat(); return; case 2: PrepareFlat2(); return; default: break; } disp_buf.clear(); gl3::GlBuilder poly = disp_buf.createBuilder(); int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int ne = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); int nv = mesh -> GetNV(); DenseMatrix pointmat; Array vertices; double nor[3]; Vector nx(nv); Vector ny(nv); Vector nz(nv); Table ba_to_be; // boundary_attribute--to--boundary_element { Table be_to_ba; be_to_ba.MakeI(ne); for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { be_to_ba.AddAColumnInRow(i); } be_to_ba.MakeJ(); if (dim == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { be_to_ba.AddConnection(i, mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ne; i++) { be_to_ba.AddConnection(i, mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1); } } be_to_ba.ShiftUpI(); Transpose(be_to_ba, ba_to_be); } const Array &attributes = ((dim == 3) ? mesh->bdr_attributes : mesh->attributes); for (int d = 0; d < attributes.Size(); d++) { const int attr = attributes[d]-1; if (!bdr_attr_to_show[attr]) { continue; } const int nelem = ba_to_be.RowSize(attr); const int *elem = ba_to_be.GetRow(attr); for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } else { mesh->GetElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } for (j = 0; j < vertices.Size(); j++) { nx(vertices[j]) = ny(vertices[j]) = nz(vertices[j]) = 0.; } } for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrPointMatrix(elem[i], pointmat); mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } else { mesh->GetPointMatrix(elem[i], pointmat); mesh->GetElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } if (pointmat.Width() == 3) j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pointmat(0,0), &pointmat(0,1), &pointmat(0,2), nor); else j = Compute3DUnitNormal(&pointmat(0,0), &pointmat(0,1), &pointmat(0,2), &pointmat(0,3), nor); if (j == 0) for (j = 0; j < pointmat.Size(); j++) { nx(vertices[j]) += nor[0]; ny(vertices[j]) += nor[1]; nz(vertices[j]) += nor[2]; } } for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { if (dim == 3) { if (cplane == 2) { // for cplane == 2, get vertices of the volume element, not bdr int f, o, e1, e2; mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &f, &o); mesh->GetFaceElements(f, &e1, &e2); mesh->GetElementVertices(e1, vertices); if (CheckPositions(vertices)) { continue; } } else { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } } else { mesh->GetElementVertices(elem[i], vertices); } GLenum elemType = GL_NONE; switch ((dim == 3) ? mesh->GetBdrElementType(elem[i]) : mesh->GetElementType(elem[i])) { case Element::TRIANGLE: elemType = GL_TRIANGLES; break; case Element::QUADRILATERAL: elemType = GL_QUADS; break; default: MFEM_ABORT("Invalid boundary element type"); break; } poly.glBegin(elemType); if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrPointMatrix(elem[i], pointmat); } else { mesh->GetPointMatrix(elem[i], pointmat); } for (j = 0; j < pointmat.Size(); j++) { MySetColor(poly, (*sol)(vertices[j]), minv, maxv); poly.glNormal3d(nx(vertices[j]), ny(vertices[j]), nz(vertices[j])); poly.glVertex3dv(&pointmat(0, j)); } poly.glEnd(); } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&disp_buf); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareLines() { if (!drawmesh) { return; } if (shading == 2) { PrepareLines2(); return; } int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int ne = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); int i, j, k; DenseMatrix pointmat; line_buf.clear(); Array vertices; for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { if (dim == 3) { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } if (cplane == 2) { // for cplane == 2, get vertices of the volume element, not bdr int f, o, e1, e2; mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &f, &o); mesh->GetFaceElements(f, &e1, &e2); mesh->GetElementVertices(e1, vertices); } else { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(i, vertices); } } else { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } mesh->GetElementVertices(i, vertices); } if (cplane == 2 && CheckPositions(vertices)) { continue; } double point[4][4]; if (dim == 3) { mesh->GetBdrPointMatrix(i, pointmat); } else { mesh->GetPointMatrix(i, pointmat); } gl3::GlBuilder line = line_buf.createBuilder(); switch (drawmesh) { case 1: line.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (j = 0; j < pointmat.Size(); j++) { line.glVertex3d (pointmat(0, j), pointmat(1, j), pointmat(2, j)); } line.glEnd(); break; case 2: for (j = 0; j < pointmat.Size(); j++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { point[j][k] = pointmat(k,j); } point[j][3] = (*sol)(vertices[j]); } DrawPolygonLevelLines(line, point[0], pointmat.Size(), level, false); break; } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&line_buf); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareLines2() { int fn, fo, di = 0; double bbox_diam; line_buf.clear(); int dim = mesh->Dimension(); int nbe = (dim == 3) ? mesh->GetNBE() : mesh->GetNE(); DenseMatrix pointmat, normals; Vector values, normal; RefinedGeometry * RefG; Array vertices; IsoparametricTransformation T; bbox_diam = sqrt ( (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])*(bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]) + (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])*(bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]) + (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])*(bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]) ); double sc = FaceShiftScale * bbox_diam; for (int i = 0; i < nbe; i++) { if (dim == 3) { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetBdrAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } if (cplane == 2) { // for cplane == 2, get vertices of the volume element, not bdr int f, o, e1, e2; mesh->GetBdrElementFace(i, &f, &o); mesh->GetFaceElements(f, &e1, &e2); mesh->GetElementVertices(e1, vertices); } else { mesh->GetBdrElementVertices(i, vertices); } } else { if (!bdr_attr_to_show[mesh->GetAttribute(i)-1]) { continue; } mesh->GetElementVertices(i, vertices); } if (cplane == 2 && CheckPositions(vertices)) { continue; } if (dim == 3) { mesh -> GetBdrElementFace (i, &fn, &fo); RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (fn), TimesToRefine); // di = GridF -> GetFaceValues (fn, 2, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); di = fo % 2; if (di == 1 && !mesh->FaceIsInterior(fn)) { di = 0; } GridF -> GetFaceValues (fn, di, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); ShrinkPoints(pointmat, i, fn, di); } else { RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i), TimesToRefine); GridF->GetValues(i, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); ShrinkPoints(pointmat, i, 0, 0); } if (sc != 0.0) { if (dim == 3) { GetFaceNormals(fn, di, RefG->RefPts, normals); } else { normals.SetSize(3, values.Size()); mesh->GetElementTransformation(i, &T); for (int j = 0; j < values.Size(); j++) { T.SetIntPoint(&RefG->RefPts.IntPoint(j)); const DenseMatrix &J = T.Jacobian(); normals.GetColumnReference(j, normal); CalcOrtho(J, normal); normal /= normal.Norml2(); } } double norm[3]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { norm[j] = 0.0; } for (int k = 0; k < normals.Width(); k++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { norm[j] += normals(j, k); } } double len = sqrt(InnerProd(norm, norm)); if (len > 0.0) { len = 1.0 / len; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { norm[j] *= len; } for (int k = 0; k < pointmat.Width(); k++) { double val = sc * (values(k) - minv) / (maxv - minv); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pointmat(j, k) += val * norm[j]; } } } gl3::GlBuilder line = line_buf.createBuilder(); if (drawmesh == 1) { Array &REdges = RefG->RefEdges; line.glBegin(GL_LINES); for (int k = 0; k < REdges.Size(); k++) { line.glVertex3dv(&pointmat(0, REdges[k])); } line.glEnd(); } else if (drawmesh == 2) { double point[4][4]; int sides; switch ((dim == 3) ? mesh->GetBdrElementType(i) : mesh->GetElementType(i)) { case Element::TRIANGLE: sides = 3; break; case Element::QUADRILATERAL: default: sides = 4; break; } for (int k = 0; k < RefG->RefGeoms.Size()/sides; k++) { int *RG = &(RefG->RefGeoms[k*sides]); for (int j = 0; j < sides; j++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { point[j][ii] = pointmat(ii, RG[j]); } point[j][3] = values(RG[j]); } DrawPolygonLevelLines(line, point[0], sides, level, false); } } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&line_buf); } static void CutElement(const Geometry::Type geom, const int *vert_flags, const int **edge_vert_ptr, int *cut_edges, int *num_cut_edges, int *n2_cut_edges) { static const int tet_edges[12]= {0,3, 0,2, 0,1, 1,2, 1,3, 2,3}; static const int pyr_edges[16] = {0,1, 1,2, 3,2, 0,3, 0,4, 1,4, 2,4, 3,4}; static const int pyr_cutting[16][3] = { { 3, 4, 6}, { 9, -1, 10}, { 4, 6, 1}, {11, -1, 12}, {13, -1, 14}, { 6, 1, 3}, {15, -1, 8}, { 1, 3, 4}, {-1, 10, 0}, { 7, 15, -1}, {-1, 12, 2}, { 0, 9, -1}, {-1, 14, 5}, { 2, 11, -1}, {-1, 8, 7}, { 5, 13, -1} }; static const int pri_edges[18] = {0,1, 1,2, 2,0, 3,4, 4,5, 5,3, 0,3, 1,4, 2,5}; static const int pri_cutting[18][3] = { { 3, -1, 5}, {13, 7, 14}, { 5, -1, 1}, {15, 9, 16}, { 1, -1, 3}, {17, 11, 12}, {14, 0, 13}, {10, -1, 8}, {16, 2, 15}, { 6, -1, 10}, {12, 4, 17}, { 8, -1, 6}, { 7, 14, 0}, { 4, 17, 11}, { 9, 16, 2}, { 0, 13, 7}, {11, 12, 4}, { 2, 15, 9} }; static const int hex_edges[24] = { 0,1, 1,2, 3,2, 0,3, 4,5, 5,6, 7,6, 4,7, 0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7 }; static const int hex_cutting[24][3] = { { 3, 4, 6}, {17, 9, 18}, { 4, 6, 1}, {19, 11, 20}, {21, 12, 22}, { 6, 1, 3}, {23, 14, 16}, { 1, 3, 4}, {18, 0, 17}, {15, 13, 10}, {20, 2, 19}, { 8, 15, 13}, {10, 8, 15}, {22, 5, 21}, {13, 10, 8}, {16, 7, 23}, { 9, 18, 0}, { 7, 23, 14}, {11, 20, 2}, { 0, 17, 9}, {12, 22, 5}, { 2, 19, 11}, {14, 16, 7}, { 5, 21, 12} }; const int *ev; int n, n2; n = n2 = 0; switch (geom) { case Geometry::TETRAHEDRON: { ev = tet_edges; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++, ev += 2) if (vert_flags[ev[0]] != vert_flags[ev[1]]) { cut_edges[n++] = j; } ev = tet_edges; } break; case Geometry::PYRAMID: { int emark[8]; ev = pyr_edges; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++, ev += 2) { emark[j] = vert_flags[ev[1]] - vert_flags[ev[0]]; } do { int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (emark[j]) { break; } } if (j == 8) { break; } int k = 2 * j; if (emark[j] > 0) { k++; } do { int m; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m = pyr_cutting[k][j]; if (m >= 0) { ev = pyr_edges + 2 * (m / 2); if ((m%2 == 0 && vert_flags[ev[0]] > vert_flags[ev[1]]) || (m%2 == 1 && vert_flags[ev[1]] > vert_flags[ev[0]])) { break; } } } cut_edges[n2++] = k/2; emark[k/2] = 0; k = m; } while (k/2 != cut_edges[n]); if (n == 0) { n = n2; } else { break; } } while (1); n2 -= n; ev = pyr_edges; } break; case Geometry::PRISM: { int emark[9]; ev = pri_edges; for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++, ev += 2) { emark[j] = vert_flags[ev[1]] - vert_flags[ev[0]]; } do { int j; for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (emark[j]) { break; } } if (j == 9) { break; } int k = 2 * j; if (emark[j] > 0) { k++; } do { int m; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m = pri_cutting[k][j]; if (m >= 0) { ev = pri_edges + 2 * (m / 2); if ((m%2 == 0 && vert_flags[ev[0]] > vert_flags[ev[1]]) || (m%2 == 1 && vert_flags[ev[1]] > vert_flags[ev[0]])) { break; } } } cut_edges[n2++] = k/2; emark[k/2] = 0; k = m; } while (k/2 != cut_edges[n]); if (n == 0) { n = n2; } else { break; } } while (1); n2 -= n; ev = pri_edges; } break; case Geometry::CUBE: { int emark[12]; ev = hex_edges; for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++, ev += 2) { emark[j] = vert_flags[ev[1]] - vert_flags[ev[0]]; } do { int j; for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { if (emark[j]) { break; } } if (j == 12) { break; } int k = 2 * j; if (emark[j] > 0) { k++; } do { int m; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m = hex_cutting[k][j]; ev = hex_edges + 2 * (m / 2); if ((m%2 == 0 && vert_flags[ev[0]] > vert_flags[ev[1]]) || (m%2 == 1 && vert_flags[ev[1]] > vert_flags[ev[0]])) { break; } } cut_edges[n2++] = k/2; emark[k/2] = 0; k = m; } while (k/2 != cut_edges[n]); if (n == 0) { n = n2; } else { break; } } while (1); n2 -= n; ev = hex_edges; } break; default: ev = NULL; // suppress a warning break; } *edge_vert_ptr = ev; *num_cut_edges = n; *n2_cut_edges = n2; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::CuttingPlaneFunc(int func) { int m, n, n2; int flag[8], cut_edges[6]; const int *ev; double t, point[6][4], norm[3]; DenseMatrix pointmat; Array nodes; for (int i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNE(); i++) { n = n2 = 0; // n will be the number of intersection points mesh -> GetElementVertices(i, nodes); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Size(); j++) { if (node_pos[nodes[j]] >= 0.0) { flag[j] = 1; } else { flag[j] = -1; } } CutElement(mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i), flag, &ev, cut_edges, &n, &n2); while (n > 2) { if (shading != 2) { mesh -> GetPointMatrix (i, pointmat); } else { const IntegrationRule *ir; ir = Geometries.GetVertices (mesh -> GetElementBaseGeometry(i)); pointmat.SetSize (3, ir -> GetNPoints()); for (int j = 0; j < ir -> GetNPoints(); j++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir -> IntPoint (j); pointmat(0,j) = ip.x; pointmat(1,j) = ip.y; pointmat(2,j) = ip.z; } } for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { const int *en = ev + 2*cut_edges[j]; t = node_pos[ nodes[en[1]] ]; t = t / ( t - node_pos[ nodes[en[0]] ] ); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { point[j][k] = t*pointmat(k,en[0]) + (1-t)*pointmat(k,en[1]); } point[j][3] = t*(*sol)(nodes[en[0]]) + (1-t)*(*sol)(nodes[en[1]]); } switch (func) { case 1: // PrepareCuttingPlane() { if (shading == 2) { // changes point for n > 4 DrawRefinedSurf(n, point[0], i, 1); } else { m = n; int no_norm; while (1) { if (m > 3) { no_norm = Compute3DUnitNormal(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], norm); if (no_norm && m > 4) { for (int j = 3; j < m; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { point[j-2][k] = point[j][k]; } m -= 2; continue; } } else no_norm = Compute3DUnitNormal(point[0], point[1], point[2], norm); break; } gl3::GlBuilder draw = cplane_buf.createBuilder(); if (!no_norm) { draw.glBegin(GL_POLYGON); draw.glNormal3dv(norm); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { MySetColor(draw, point[j][3], minv, maxv); draw.glVertex3dv(point[j]); } draw.glEnd(); } } } break; case 2: // PrepareCuttingPlaneLines() with mesh { if (shading == 2) { // changes point for n > 4 DrawRefinedSurf(n, point[0], i, 2); } else { // glBegin (GL_POLYGON); gl3::GlBuilder line = cplines_buf.createBuilder(); line.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { line.glVertex3dv(point[j]); } line.glEnd(); } } break; case 3: // PrepareCuttingPlaneLines() with level lines { if (shading == 2) { // changes point for n > 4 DrawRefinedSurf(n, point[0], i, 3); } else { gl3::GlBuilder line = cplines_buf.createBuilder(); DrawPolygonLevelLines(line, point[0], n, level, false); } } break; } for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { cut_edges[j] = cut_edges[j+n]; } n = n2; n2 = 0; } } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::CutRefinedElement( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vert_dist, const Vector &vals, const Geometry::Type geom, const int *elems, int num_elems, int func) { double sc = 0.0; if (FaceShiftScale != 0.0) { double bbox_diam = sqrt ( (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])*(bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]) + (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])*(bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]) + (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])*(bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]) ); sc = FaceShiftScale * bbox_diam; } const int nv = Geometry::NumVerts[geom]; gl3::GlBuilder bld = target.createBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) { Geometry::Type egeom = geom; int vert_flag[8], cut_edges[8]; const int *elem = elems + i*nv; const int *edge_vert; int n = 0, n2, nev = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++) { if (elem[j] < 0) { // This appears to be a tetrahedral subelement of a refined pyramid egeom = Geometry::TETRAHEDRON; break; } nev++; vert_flag[j] = (vert_dist(elem[j]) >= 0.0) ? n++, 1 : 0; } if (n == 0 || n == nev) { continue; } CutElement(egeom, vert_flag, &edge_vert, cut_edges, &n, &n2); // n = number of intersected edges // n2 = number of intersected edges, second polygon while (n > 2) { // 'pts' describe the intersecting polygon: triangle, quad, etc double pts[6][4]; // up to 6 points x (3 coordinates + 1 value) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { const int *ev = edge_vert + 2*cut_edges[j]; double t = vert_dist(elem[ev[0]]); t = t / (t - vert_dist(elem[ev[1]])); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pts[j][d] = (1-t)*verts(d,elem[ev[0]]) + t*verts(d,elem[ev[1]]); } pts[j][3] = (1-t)*vals(elem[ev[0]]) + t*vals(elem[ev[1]]); } if (sc != 0.0) { const double *dir = CuttingPlane->Equation(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // dir points into the visible side, so we add a minus to val: const double val = -sc * (pts[j][3] - minv) / (maxv - minv); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pts[j][d] += val*dir[d]; } } } if (func == 0) // draw surface { double norm[3]; int no_norm, m = n; while (1) { if (m > 3) { no_norm = Compute3DUnitNormal(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], norm); if (no_norm && m > 4) { for (int j = 3; j < m; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { pts[j-2][k] = pts[j][k]; } } m -= 2; continue; } } else { no_norm = Compute3DUnitNormal(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], norm); } break; } if (!no_norm) { bld.glBegin(GL_POLYGON); bld.glNormal3dv(norm); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { MySetColor(bld, pts[j][3], minv, maxv); bld.glVertex3dv(pts[j]); } bld.glEnd(); } } else // draw level lines { DrawPolygonLevelLines(bld, pts[0], n, level, false); } for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { cut_edges[j] = cut_edges[j+n]; } n = n2; n2 = 0; } } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::CutRefinedFace( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vert_dist, const Vector &vals, const Geometry::Type geom, const int *faces, int num_faces) { double sc = 0.0; if (FaceShiftScale != 0.0) { double bbox_diam = sqrt ( (bb.x[1]-bb.x[0])*(bb.x[1]-bb.x[0]) + (bb.y[1]-bb.y[0])*(bb.y[1]-bb.y[0]) + (bb.z[1]-bb.z[0])*(bb.z[1]-bb.z[0]) ); sc = FaceShiftScale * bbox_diam; } const int nv = Geometry::NumVerts[geom]; for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { int vert_flag[4], cut_edges[4]; const int *face = faces + i*nv; int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++) { vert_flag[j] = (vert_dist(face[j]) >= 0.0) ? n++, 1 : 0; } if (n == 0 || n == nv) { continue; } n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++) { const int j1 = (j+1)%nv; if (vert_flag[j] != vert_flag[j1]) { cut_edges[n++] = j; } } // n = number of intersected edges (2, or 4) double pts[4][4]; // up to 4 points x (3 coordinates + 1 value) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { const int v0 = cut_edges[j]; const int v1 = (v0+1)%nv; double t = vert_dist(face[v0]); t = t / (t - vert_dist(face[v1])); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pts[j][d] = (1-t)*verts(d,face[v0]) + t*verts(d,face[v1]); } if (sc != 0.0) { pts[j][3] = (1-t)*vals(face[v0]) + t*vals(face[v1]); } } if (sc != 0.0) { const double *dir = CuttingPlane->Equation(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // dir points into the visible side, so we add a minus to val: const double val = -sc * (pts[j][3] - minv) / (maxv - minv); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pts[j][d] += val*dir[d]; } } } target.addLine(gl3::Vertex::create(pts[0]), gl3::Vertex::create(pts[1])); if (n == 4) { target.addLine(gl3::Vertex::create(pts[2]), gl3::Vertex::create(pts[3])); } } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareCuttingPlane() { cplane_buf.clear(); if (cp_drawelems && cplane && mesh->Dimension() == 3) { if (cplane == 2) { PrepareCuttingPlane2(); } else if (cp_algo == 1) { CuttingPlaneFunc(1); } else { Vector vals, vert_dist; DenseMatrix pointmat; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->GetNE(); i++) { const Geometry::Type geom = mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i); RefinedGeometry *RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(geom, TimesToRefine); GridF->GetValues(i, RefG->RefPts, vals, pointmat); vert_dist.SetSize(pointmat.Width()); for (int j = 0; j < pointmat.Width(); j++) { vert_dist(j) = CuttingPlane->Transform(&pointmat(0,j)); } Array &RG = RefG->RefGeoms; const int func = 0; // draw surface CutRefinedElement(cplane_buf, pointmat, vert_dist, vals, geom, RG, RG.Size()/Geometry::NumVerts[geom], func); } } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&cplane_buf); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareCuttingPlane2() { int i, j, n = 0; double p[4][3], c[4], *coord; DenseMatrix pointmat, normals; Vector values; RefinedGeometry *RefG; Array nodes; Array partition (mesh -> GetNE()); for (i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNE(); i++) { n = 0; // n will be the number of nodes behind the cutting plane mesh -> GetElementVertices(i, nodes); for (j = 0; j < nodes.Size(); j++) { if (node_pos[nodes[j]] >= 0.0) { n++; } } partition[i] = (n == nodes.Size()) ? 0 : 1; } for (i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNFaces(); i++) { int e1, e2; mesh -> GetFaceElements (i, &e1, &e2); if (e2 >= 0 && partition[e1] != partition[e2]) { if (shading != 2) { mesh -> GetFaceVertices (i, nodes); for (j = 0; j < nodes.Size(); j++) { coord = mesh -> GetVertex(nodes[j]); p[j][0] = coord[0]; p[j][1] = coord[1]; p[j][2] = coord[2]; c[j] = (*sol)(nodes[j]); } if (nodes.Size() == 3) { DrawTriangle(cplane_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } else { DrawQuad(cplane_buf, p, c, minv, maxv); } } else // shading == 2 { RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (i), TimesToRefine); // partition[e1] is 0 if e1 is behind the cutting plane // and 1 otherwise int dir = partition[e1]; GridF -> GetFaceValues (i, dir, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); GetFaceNormals(i, dir, RefG->RefPts, normals); switch (mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (i)) { case Geometry::TRIANGLE: n = 3; break; case Geometry::SQUARE: n = 4; break; default: MFEM_ABORT("Invalid element type"); break; } // DrawRefinedSurf (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefGeoms); DrawPatch(cplane_buf, pointmat, values, normals, n, RefG->RefGeoms, minv, maxv, dir ? -3 : 2); } // end shading == 2 } } } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareCuttingPlaneLines() { cplines_buf.clear(); if (cp_drawmesh && cplane && mesh->Dimension() == 3) { if (cplane == 2 && cp_drawmesh != 3) { PrepareCuttingPlaneLines2(); } else { if (cp_drawmesh == 1 && cp_algo == 1) { CuttingPlaneFunc(2); } else if (cp_drawmesh == 1) { Vector vert_dist, vals; DenseMatrix pointmat; int num_faces = mesh->GetNFaces(); if (mesh->NURBSext) { // Note: for NURBS meshes, the methods // Mesh::GetFaceTransformation() and // GridFunction::GetFaceValues() are not supported. cout << _MFEM_FUNC_NAME << ": NURBS mesh: cut faces will not be drawn!" << endl; num_faces = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < num_faces; i++) { const Geometry::Type geom = mesh->GetFaceBaseGeometry(i); RefinedGeometry *RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(geom, TimesToRefine); if (FaceShiftScale == 0.0) { ElementTransformation *T = mesh->GetFaceTransformation(i); T->Transform(RefG->RefPts, pointmat); } else { const int side = 2; GridF->GetFaceValues(i, side, RefG->RefPts, vals, pointmat); // For discontinuous grid function, we should draw two edges. } vert_dist.SetSize(pointmat.Width()); for (int j = 0; j < pointmat.Width(); j++) { vert_dist(j) = CuttingPlane->Transform(&pointmat(0,j)); } Array &RG = RefG->RefGeoms; CutRefinedFace(cplines_buf, pointmat, vert_dist, vals, geom, RG, RG.Size()/Geometry::NumVerts[geom]); } } else if (cp_algo == 1) { CuttingPlaneFunc(3); } else { Vector vals, vert_dist; DenseMatrix pointmat; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->GetNE(); i++) { const Geometry::Type geom = mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i); RefinedGeometry *RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(geom, TimesToRefine); GridF->GetValues(i, RefG->RefPts, vals, pointmat); vert_dist.SetSize(pointmat.Width()); for (int j = 0; j < pointmat.Width(); j++) { vert_dist(j) = CuttingPlane->Transform(&pointmat(0,j)); } Array &RG = RefG->RefGeoms; const int func = 1; // draw level lines CutRefinedElement(cplines_buf, pointmat, vert_dist, vals, geom, RG, RG.Size()/Geometry::NumVerts[geom], func); } } } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&cplines_buf); } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareCuttingPlaneLines2() { int i, j, n = 0; double point[4][4], *coord; DenseMatrix pointmat; Vector values; RefinedGeometry *RefG; Array nodes; Array partition (mesh -> GetNE()); for (i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNE(); i++) { n = 0; // n will be the number of nodes behind the cutting plane mesh -> GetElementVertices(i,nodes); for (j=0; j= 0.0) { n++; } } partition[i] = (n == nodes.Size()) ? 0 : 1; } for (i = 0; i < mesh -> GetNFaces(); i++) { int e1, e2; mesh -> GetFaceElements (i, &e1, &e2); if (e2 >= 0 && partition[e1] != partition[e2]) { if (shading != 2) { mesh -> GetFaceVertices (i, nodes); for (j = 0; j < nodes.Size(); j++) { coord = mesh -> GetVertex(nodes[j]); point[j][0] = coord[0]; point[j][1] = coord[1]; point[j][2] = coord[2]; point[j][3] = (*sol)(nodes[j]); } gl3::GlBuilder line = cplines_buf.createBuilder(); switch (cp_drawmesh) { case 1: // glBegin(GL_POLYGON); line.glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (j = 0; j < nodes.Size(); j++) { line.glVertex3dv (point[j]); } line.glEnd(); break; case 2: DrawPolygonLevelLines(line, point[0], nodes.Size(), level, false); break; } } else // shading == 2 { RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (i), TimesToRefine); // partition[e1] is 0 if e1 is behind the cutting plane // and 1 otherwise int di = partition[e1]; GridF -> GetFaceValues (i, di, RefG->RefPts, values, pointmat); switch (mesh -> GetFaceBaseGeometry (i)) { case Geometry::TRIANGLE: n = 3; break; case Geometry::SQUARE: n = 4; break; default: MFEM_ABORT("Invalid element type"); break; } switch (cp_drawmesh) { case 1: DrawRefinedSurfEdges (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefEdges); break; case 2: DrawRefinedSurfLevelLines (n, pointmat, values, RefG->RefGeoms); break; } } // end shading == 2 } } } thread_local int triangle_counter; thread_local int quad_counter; void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawTetLevelSurf( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vals, const int *ind, const Array &surf_levels, const DenseMatrix *grad) { double t, lvl, normal[3], vert[4][3], norm[4][3]; int i, j, l, pos[4]; bool flipped; gl3::GlBuilder draw = target.createBuilder(); for (l = 0; l < surf_levels.Size(); l++) { lvl = surf_levels[l]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pos[i] = ind[i]; } i = 0; j = 4; flipped = false; do { // (i < j) is true while (vals(pos[i]) < lvl) { i++; if (i == j) { goto step_one; } } // (i < j) && (vals[pos[i]] >= lvl) is true do { j--; if (i == j) { goto step_one; } } while (vals(pos[j]) >= lvl); // (i < j) && (vals[pos[i]] >= lvl) && (vals[pos[j]] < lvl) is true Swap(pos[i], pos[j]); flipped = !flipped; i++; } while (i < j); step_one: if (flipped) { if (i >= 2) { Swap(pos[0], pos[1]); } else { Swap(pos[2], pos[3]); } } if (j == 3) { Swap(pos[0], pos[3]); j = 1; } if (j == 1) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int p0 = pos[0]; int p1 = pos[k+1]; t = (lvl - vals(p0)) / (vals(p1) - vals(p0)); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { vert[k][d] = (1.0 - t) * verts(d, p0) + t * verts(d, p1); } if (grad) for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { norm[k][d] = (1.0 - t) * (*grad)(d, p0) + t * (*grad)(d, p1); } } if (grad == NULL) { if (!Compute3DUnitNormal(vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], normal)) { MySetColor(draw, lvl, minv, maxv); draw.glNormal3dv(normal); draw.glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { draw.glVertex3dv(vert[k]); } draw.glEnd(); triangle_counter++; } } else { MySetColor(draw, lvl, minv, maxv); draw.glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { Normalize(norm[k]); draw.glNormal3dv(norm[k]); draw.glVertex3dv(vert[k]); } draw.glEnd(); triangle_counter++; } } else if (j == 2) { static const int idx[4][2] = { {0, 2}, {0, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2} }; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int p0 = pos[idx[k][0]]; int p1 = pos[idx[k][1]]; t = (lvl - vals(p0)) / (vals(p1) - vals(p0)); for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { vert[k][d] = (1.0 - t) * verts(d, p0) + t * verts(d, p1); } if (grad) for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { norm[k][d] = (1.0 - t) * (*grad)(d, p0) + t * (*grad)(d, p1); } } if (grad == NULL) { if (!Compute3DUnitNormal(vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], vert[3], normal)) { MySetColor(draw, lvl, minv, maxv); draw.glNormal3dv(normal); draw.glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { draw.glVertex3dv(vert[k]); } draw.glEnd(); quad_counter++; } } else { MySetColor(draw, lvl, minv, maxv); draw.glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { Normalize(norm[k]); draw.glNormal3dv(norm[k]); draw.glVertex3dv(vert[k]); } draw.glEnd(); quad_counter++; } } } } // static method int VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetPyramidFaceSplits( const Array &quad_diag, const Array &faces, const Array &ofaces) { int fs = 0; bool diag = quad_diag[faces[0]]; if ((ofaces[0]/2)%2) // orientations 2,3,6,7 { diag = !diag; } fs = 2*fs + diag; return fs; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedPyramidLevelSurf( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vals, const int *RG, const int np, const int face_splits, const DenseMatrix *grad) { #if 1 static const int pyr_tets[2][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 4 }, { 0, 2, 3, 4 } }; for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) { const int *hv = &RG[5*k]; if (hv[4] > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int m_ind[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_ind[i] = hv[pyr_tets[j][i]]; } DrawTetLevelSurf(target, verts, vals, m_ind, levels, grad); } } else { DrawTetLevelSurf(target, verts, vals, hv, levels, grad); } } #else // MLS: Not sure how to adapt this to Pyramids so skip it for now static const int pri_tets[8-2][3][4] = { // 0 = 000 (see below; prism is split into 6 tets) { { 0, 1, 2, 5 }, { 0, 1, 5, 4 }, { 0, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 1 = 001 { { 0, 1, 2, 4 }, { 0, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 2 = 010 { { 0, 1, 2, 4 }, { 0, 2, 5, 4 }, { 0, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 3 = 011 { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3, 5 }, { 1, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 4 = 100 { { 0, 1, 2, 5 }, { 0, 1, 5, 3 }, { 1, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 5 = 101 { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5 } } // 6 = 110 // 7 = 111 (see below; prism is split into 6 tets) }; static const int pri_tets_0[6][4] = { {0,1,2,6}, {0,1,6,4}, {0,2,3,6}, {0,6,3,4}, {2,3,6,5}, {3,4,6,5} }; static const int pri_tets_7[6][4] = { {0,1,2,6}, {0,2,5,6}, {0,1,6,3}, {0,3,6,5}, {1,3,4,6}, {3,4,6,5} }; const int fs2 = (~face_splits&7)/2 + 4*((~face_splits&7)%2); const int n = (np == 1) ? 1 : TimesToRefine; double vs_data[7], pm_data[3*7], gd_data[3*7]; Vector vs(vs_data, 7); DenseMatrix pm(pm_data, 3, 7), gd(gd_data, 3, 7); for (int k = 0, l0 = -1, l1 = -1; k < np; k++) { const int pk = k % (n*n); if (pk == 0) { l0 = 0; l1 = 2*n-1; } else if (pk == l1) { const int s = l1-l0; l0 = l1; l1 += (s-2); } const int fsl = ((pk-l0)%2 == 0) ? face_splits : fs2; // The algorithm for choosing 'fsl' used above assumes the refined prisms // are listed in certain order -- see the prism case in // mfem::GeometryRefiner::Refine. const int *pv = &RG[6*k]; if (fsl == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { const int idx = pv[j]; for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,j) = verts(d,idx); if (grad) { gd(d,j) = (*grad)(d,idx); } } vs(j) = vals(idx); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,6) = 0.5*(pm(d,1) + pm(d,5)); if (grad) { gd(d,6) = 0.5*(gd(d,1) + gd(d,5)); } } vs(6) = 0.5*(vs(1) + vs(5)); const DenseMatrix *gd_ = grad ? &gd : NULL; for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { DrawTetLevelSurf(pm, vs, pri_tets_0[k], levels, gd_); } } else if (fsl == 7) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { const int idx = pv[j]; for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,j) = verts(d,idx); if (grad) { gd(d,j) = (*grad)(d,idx); } } vs(j) = vals(idx); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,6) = 0.5*(pm(d,2) + pm(d,4)); if (grad) { gd(d,6) = 0.5*(gd(d,2) + gd(d,4)); } } vs(6) = 0.5*(vs(2) + vs(4)); const DenseMatrix *gd_ = grad ? &gd : NULL; for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { DrawTetLevelSurf(pm, vs, pri_tets_7[k], levels, gd_); } } else { int m_ind[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_ind[i] = pv[pri_tets[fsl-1][j][i]]; } DrawTetLevelSurf(verts, vals, m_ind, levels, grad); } } } #endif } // static method int VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetWedgeFaceSplits( const Array &quad_diag, const Array &faces, const Array &ofaces) { int fs = 0; for (int lf = 2; lf < 5; lf++) { bool diag = quad_diag[faces[lf]]; if ((ofaces[lf]/2)%2) // orientations 2,3,6,7 { diag = !diag; } fs = 2*fs + diag; } return fs; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedWedgeLevelSurf( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vals, const int *RG, const int np, const int face_splits, const DenseMatrix *grad) { #if 0 static const int pri_tets[3][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 5 }, { 0, 1, 5, 3 }, { 1, 3, 4, 5 } }; for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) { const int *hv = &RG[6*k]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int m_ind[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_ind[i] = hv[pri_tets[j][i]]; } DrawTetLevelSurf(verts, vals, m_ind, levels, grad); } } #else static const int pri_tets[8-2][3][4] = { // 0 = 000 (see below; prism is split into 6 tets) { { 0, 1, 2, 5 }, { 0, 1, 5, 4 }, { 0, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 1 = 001 { { 0, 1, 2, 4 }, { 0, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 2 = 010 { { 0, 1, 2, 4 }, { 0, 2, 5, 4 }, { 0, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 3 = 011 { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3, 5 }, { 1, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 4 = 100 { { 0, 1, 2, 5 }, { 0, 1, 5, 3 }, { 1, 3, 4, 5 } }, // 5 = 101 { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5 } } // 6 = 110 // 7 = 111 (see below; prism is split into 6 tets) }; static const int pri_tets_0[6][4] = { {0,1,2,6}, {0,1,6,4}, {0,2,3,6}, {0,6,3,4}, {2,3,6,5}, {3,4,6,5} }; static const int pri_tets_7[6][4] = { {0,1,2,6}, {0,2,5,6}, {0,1,6,3}, {0,3,6,5}, {1,3,4,6}, {3,4,6,5} }; const int fs2 = (~face_splits&7)/2 + 4*((~face_splits&7)%2); const int n = (np == 1) ? 1 : TimesToRefine; double vs_data[7], pm_data[3*7], gd_data[3*7]; Vector vs(vs_data, 7); DenseMatrix pm(pm_data, 3, 7), gd(gd_data, 3, 7); for (int k = 0, l0 = -1, l1 = -1; k < np; k++) { const int pk = k % (n*n); if (pk == 0) { l0 = 0; l1 = 2*n-1; } else if (pk == l1) { const int s = l1-l0; l0 = l1; l1 += (s-2); } const int fsl = ((pk-l0)%2 == 0) ? face_splits : fs2; // The algorithm for choosing 'fsl' used above assumes the refined prisms // are listed in certain order -- see the prism case in // mfem::GeometryRefiner::Refine. const int *pv = &RG[6*k]; if (fsl == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { const int idx = pv[j]; for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,j) = verts(d,idx); if (grad) { gd(d,j) = (*grad)(d,idx); } } vs(j) = vals(idx); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,6) = 0.5*(pm(d,1) + pm(d,5)); if (grad) { gd(d,6) = 0.5*(gd(d,1) + gd(d,5)); } } vs(6) = 0.5*(vs(1) + vs(5)); const DenseMatrix *gd_ = grad ? &gd : NULL; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { DrawTetLevelSurf(target, pm, vs, pri_tets_0[j], levels, gd_); } } else if (fsl == 7) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { const int idx = pv[j]; for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,j) = verts(d,idx); if (grad) { gd(d,j) = (*grad)(d,idx); } } vs(j) = vals(idx); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,6) = 0.5*(pm(d,2) + pm(d,4)); if (grad) { gd(d,6) = 0.5*(gd(d,2) + gd(d,4)); } } vs(6) = 0.5*(vs(2) + vs(4)); const DenseMatrix *gd_ = grad ? &gd : NULL; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { DrawTetLevelSurf(target, pm, vs, pri_tets_7[j], levels, gd_); } } else { int m_ind[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_ind[i] = pv[pri_tets[fsl-1][j][i]]; } DrawTetLevelSurf(target, verts, vals, m_ind, levels, grad); } } } #endif } // static method int VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetHexFaceSplits( const Array &quad_diag, const Array &faces, const Array &ofaces) { int fs = 0; for (int lf = 0; lf < 6; lf++) { bool diag = quad_diag[faces[lf]]; if ((ofaces[lf]/2)%2) // orientations 2,3,6,7 { diag = !diag; } fs = 2*fs + diag; } return fs; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::DrawRefinedHexLevelSurf( gl3::GlDrawable& target, const DenseMatrix &verts, const Vector &vals, const int *RG, const int nh, const int face_splits, const DenseMatrix *grad) { #if 0 static const int hex_tets[6][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 6 }, { 0, 5, 1, 6 }, { 0, 4, 5, 6 }, { 0, 2, 3, 6 }, { 0, 3, 7, 6 }, { 0, 7, 4, 6 } }; for (int k = 0; k < nh; k++) { const int *hv = &RG[8*k]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { int m_ind[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_ind[i] = hv[hex_tets[j][i]]; } DrawTetLevelSurf(verts, vals, m_ind, levels, grad); } } #else const int n = (nh == 1) ? 1 : TimesToRefine; double vs_data[9], pm_data[3*9], gd_data[3*9]; Vector vs(vs_data, 9); DenseMatrix pm(pm_data, 3, 9), gd(gd_data, 3, 9); for (int k = 0; k < nh; k++) { const int ix = k%n, iy = (k/n)%n, iz = k/(n*n); int fsl = face_splits; if (ix != 0) { // Copy the right face bit (face 2, bit mask 8) to the left face bit // (face 4, bit mask 2) and flip it. fsl = (fsl&(63-2)) + (2-(fsl&8)/4); } if (iy != 0) { // Copy the back face bit (face 3, bit mask 4) to the front face bit // (face 1, bit mask 16) and flip it. fsl = (fsl&(63-16)) + (16-(fsl&4)*4); } if (iz != 0) { // Copy the top face bit (face 5, bit mask 1) to the bottom face bit // (face 0, bit mask 32) and flip it. fsl = (fsl&(63-32)) + (32-(fsl&1)*32); } const int *hv_orig = &RG[8*k], *hv; int hv1[8], hv2[8]; #if 1 // Find a pair of opposite faces that are split into triangles using // two parallel diagonals (if such pair exists). if (1-(fsl&1) == (fsl&32)/32) { // The bottom and top faces are split in the same direction. hv = hv_orig; } else if (4-(fsl&4) == (fsl&16)/4) { // The front and back faces are split in the same direction. // Rotate the hex around the x-axis to bring front-back to bottom-top. static const int rot_x[8] = { 4, 5, 1, 0, 7, 6, 2, 3 }; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { hv1[j] = hv_orig[rot_x[j]]; } hv = hv1; // fsl bits change: a|b|c|d|e|f -> b|f|1-c|a|1-e|d fsl = (fsl&16)*2 + (fsl&1)*16 + (8-(fsl&8)) + (fsl&32)/8 + (2-(fsl&2)) + (fsl&4)/4; } else if (2-(fsl&2) == (fsl&8)/4) { // The left and right faces are split in the same direction. // Rotate the hex around the y-axis to bring left-right to top-bottom. static const int rot_y[8] = { 1, 5, 6, 2, 0, 4, 7, 3 }; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { hv1[j] = hv_orig[rot_y[j]]; } hv = hv1; // fsl bit change: a|b|c|d|e|f -> 1-c|1-b|1-f|1-d|1-a|1-e fsl = ~fsl&63; fsl = (fsl&8)*4 + (fsl&16) + (fsl&1)*8 + (fsl&4) + (fsl&32)/16 + (fsl&2)/2; } else #endif { // All opposite faces are split in opposite directions. // Split the hex into 12 tets using the hex center as a vertex in all // 12 tets. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { const int idx = hv_orig[j]; for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,j) = verts(d,idx); if (grad) { gd(d,j) = (*grad)(d,idx); } } vs(j) = vals(idx); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,8) = 0.0; if (grad) { gd(d,8) = 0.0; } } vs(8) = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,8) += pm(d,j); if (grad) { gd(d,8) += gd(d,j); } } vs(8) += vs(j); } for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) { pm(d,8) *= 0.125; if (grad) { gd(d,8) *= 0.125; } } vs(8) *= 0.125; typedef Mesh::hex_t hex_t; for (int j = 0; j < hex_t::NumFaces; j++) { int tv[8]; const int *fv = hex_t::FaceVert[j]; const bool diag = fsl&(32>>j); if (diag == 0) { tv[0] = fv[2]; tv[1] = fv[1]; tv[2] = fv[0]; tv[3] = 8; tv[4] = fv[0]; tv[5] = fv[3]; tv[6] = fv[2]; tv[7] = 8; } else { tv[0] = fv[1]; tv[1] = fv[0]; tv[2] = fv[3]; tv[3] = 8; tv[4] = fv[3]; tv[5] = fv[2]; tv[6] = fv[1]; tv[7] = 8; } const DenseMatrix *gp = grad ? &gd : NULL; DrawTetLevelSurf(target, pm, vs, &tv[0], levels, gp); DrawTetLevelSurf(target, pm, vs, &tv[4], levels, gp); } continue; } // Rotate the hex so that the diagonal edge splitting the bottom face is // the edge 0-2. if ((fsl&32) == 0) { // Rotate the hex around the z-axis -- left-right becomes front-back. static const int rot_z[8] = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, 4, 5, 6 }; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { hv2[j] = hv[rot_z[j]]; } hv = hv2; // fsl bit change: a|b|c|d|e|f -> 1-a|e|b|c|d|1-f fsl = (32-(fsl&32)) + (fsl&2)*8 + (fsl&(16+8+4))/2 + (1-(fsl&1)); } // Split the hex into two prisms using the diagonal face 0-2-6-4. const int pv[2][6] = { { hv[0], hv[1], hv[2], hv[4], hv[5], hv[6] }, { hv[2], hv[3], hv[0], hv[6], hv[7], hv[4] } }; // Choose the shorter diagonal on the face 0-2-6-4. const double l06 = Distance(&verts(0,hv[0]), &verts(0,hv[6]), 3); const double l24 = Distance(&verts(0,hv[2]), &verts(0,hv[4]), 3); const bool diag = (l06 > 1.01*l24); const int fs1 = (fsl&(16+8))/4 + !diag; // a|b|c|d|e|f -> b|c|1-diag const int fs2 = (fsl&(4+2)) + diag; // a|b|c|d|e|f -> d|e|diag DrawRefinedWedgeLevelSurf(target, verts, vals, pv[0], 1, fs1, grad); DrawRefinedWedgeLevelSurf(target, verts, vals, pv[1], 1, fs2, grad); } #endif } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareLevelSurf() { static const int ident[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; Vector vals; DenseMatrix pointmat, grad; Array vertices; lsurf_buf.clear(); if (drawlsurf == 0 || mesh->Dimension() != 3) { // Create empty list return; } triangle_counter = quad_counter = 0; levels.SetSize(nlevels); for (int l = 0; l < nlevels; l++) { double lvl = ((double)(50*l+drawlsurf) / (nlevels*50)); levels[l] = ULogVal(lvl); } // For every quad face, choose the shorter diagonal to split the quad into // two triangles. Elements adjacent to that quad face (wedge or hex) will use // the same diagonal when subdividing the element. Array quad_diag; if (mesh->HasGeometry(Geometry::SQUARE)) { quad_diag.SetSize(mesh->GetNFaces()); for (int fi = 0; fi < mesh->GetNFaces(); fi++) { const Element *face = mesh->GetFace(fi); if (face->GetType() != Element::QUADRILATERAL) { continue; } ElementTransformation *T = mesh->GetFaceTransformation(fi); T->Transform(*Geometries.GetVertices(Geometry::SQUARE), pointmat); const double l02 = Distance(&pointmat(0,0), &pointmat(0,2), 3); const double l13 = Distance(&pointmat(0,1), &pointmat(0,3), 3); quad_diag[fi] = (l02 > 1.01*l13); } } Array faces, ofaces; if (shading != 2) { for (int ie = 0; ie < mesh->GetNE(); ie++) { mesh->GetPointMatrix(ie, pointmat); mesh->GetElementVertices(ie, vertices); vals.SetSize(vertices.Size()); for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Size(); j++) { vals(j) = (*sol)(vertices[j]); } switch (mesh->GetElementType(ie)) { case Element::TETRAHEDRON: DrawTetLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, ident, levels); break; case Element::PYRAMID: { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetPyramidFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedPyramidLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, ident, 1, fs); } case Element::WEDGE: { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetWedgeFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedWedgeLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, ident, 1, fs); } break; case Element::HEXAHEDRON: { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetHexFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedHexLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, ident, 1, fs); } break; default: MFEM_ABORT("Unrecognized 3D element type \"" << mesh->GetElementType(ie) << "\""); } } } else // shading == 2 { RefinedGeometry *RefG; #define GLVIS_SMOOTH_LEVELSURF_NORMALS #ifdef GLVIS_SMOOTH_LEVELSURF_NORMALS const DenseMatrix *gp = &grad; #else const DenseMatrix *gp = NULL; #endif for (int ie = 0; ie < mesh->GetNE(); ie++) { const Geometry::Type geom = mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(ie); RefG = GLVisGeometryRefiner.Refine(geom, TimesToRefine); GridF->GetValues(ie, RefG->RefPts, vals, pointmat); #ifdef GLVIS_SMOOTH_LEVELSURF_NORMALS GridF->GetGradients(ie, RefG->RefPts, grad); #endif Array &RG = RefG->RefGeoms; const int nv = mesh->GetElement(ie)->GetNVertices(); const int nre = RG.Size()/nv; if (geom == Geometry::TETRAHEDRON) { for (int k = 0; k < nre; k++) { DrawTetLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, &RG[nv*k], levels, gp); } } else if (geom == Geometry::PYRAMID) { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetPyramidFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedPyramidLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, RG, nre, fs, gp); } else if (geom == Geometry::PRISM) { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetWedgeFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedWedgeLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, RG, nre, fs, gp); } else if (geom == Geometry::CUBE) { mesh->GetElementFaces(ie, faces, ofaces); const int fs = GetHexFaceSplits(quad_diag, faces, ofaces); DrawRefinedHexLevelSurf(lsurf_buf, pointmat, vals, RG, nre, fs, gp); } } } updated_bufs.emplace_back(&lsurf_buf); #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "VisualizationSceneSolution3d::PrepareLevelSurf() : " << triangle_counter << " triangles + " << quad_counter << " quads used" << endl; #endif } gl3::SceneInfo VisualizationSceneSolution3d::GetSceneObjs() { if (colorbar) { Array* cb_level = nullptr, * cb_levels = nullptr; if (drawlsurf) { cb_levels = &levels; } if (drawmesh == 2 || cp_drawmesh >= 2) { cb_level = &level; } PrepareColorBar(minv, maxv, cb_level, cb_levels); } gl3::SceneInfo scene = VisualizationSceneScalarData::GetSceneObjs(); gl3::RenderParams params = GetMeshDrawParams(); params.use_clip_plane = cplane; double* cp_eqn = CuttingPlane->Equation(); params.clip_plane_eqn = {cp_eqn[0], cp_eqn[1], cp_eqn[2], cp_eqn[3]}; params.contains_translucent = matAlpha < 1.0; if (drawlsurf) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &lsurf_buf); } if (drawelems) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &disp_buf); } if (cplane && cp_drawelems) { params.use_clip_plane = false; scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &cplane_buf); params.use_clip_plane = true; } params.contains_translucent = false; // draw orderings -- color modes if (draworder == 1) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &order_noarrow_buf); } else if (draworder == 2) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &order_buf); } params.mesh_material = VisualizationScene::BLK_MAT; // everything below will be drawn in "black" params.static_color = GetLineColor(); params.num_pt_lights = 0; if (drawmesh) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &line_buf); } if (cp_drawmesh) { params.use_clip_plane = false; scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &cplines_buf); } // draw orderings -- "black" modes if (draworder == 3) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &order_noarrow_buf); } else if (draworder == 4) { scene.queue.emplace_back(params, &order_buf); } return scene; } void VisualizationSceneSolution3d::glTF_Export() { string name = "GLVis_scene_000"; glTF_Builder bld(name); auto palette_mat = AddPaletteMaterial(bld); auto black_mat = AddBlackMaterial(bld); auto buf = bld.addBuffer("buffer"); if (drawelems) { glTF_ExportElements(bld, buf, palette_mat, disp_buf); } if (drawmesh) { glTF_ExportMesh(bld, buf, black_mat, line_buf); } if (cplane && cp_drawelems) { auto cp_elems_node = AddModelNode(bld, "CP Elements"); auto cp_elems_mesh = bld.addMesh("CP Elements Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(cp_elems_node, cp_elems_mesh); int ntria = AddTriangles( bld, cp_elems_mesh, buf, palette_mat, cplane_buf); if (ntria == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no cp elements found to export!" << endl; } } if (cp_drawmesh) { auto cp_lines_node = AddModelNode(bld, "CP Lines"); auto cp_lines_mesh = bld.addMesh("CP Lines Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(cp_lines_node, cp_lines_mesh); int nlines = AddLines( bld, cp_lines_mesh, buf, black_mat, cplines_buf); if (nlines == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no cp mesh/level lines found to export!" << endl; } } if (drawlsurf) { auto lsurf_node = AddModelNode(bld, "Level Surface"); auto lsurf_mesh = bld.addMesh("Level Surface Mesh"); bld.addNodeMesh(lsurf_node, lsurf_mesh); int ntria = AddTriangles( bld, lsurf_mesh, buf, palette_mat, lsurf_buf); if (ntria == 0) { cout << "glTF export: no level surface elements found to export!" << endl; } } if (drawaxes) { glTF_ExportBox(bld, buf, black_mat); } bld.writeFile(); cout << "Exported glTF -> " << name << ".gltf" << endl; }