// Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-443271. // // This file is part of the GLVis visualization tool and library. For more // information and source code availability see https://glvis.org. // // GLVis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. // GLVis - an OpenGL visualization server based on the MFEM library #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // SDL may redefine main() as SDL_main() ostensibly to ease portability. // (WinMain() instead of main() is used as the entry point in a non-console // Windows program.) // // We must instead define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED so that SDL doesn't do this // substitution, since we need a console to accept certain user input from // stdin. #ifdef _WIN32 #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED #endif #include "mfem.hpp" #include "lib/palettes.hpp" #include "lib/visual.hpp" #include "lib/stream_reader.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace mfem; const char *string_none = "(none)"; const char *string_default = "(default)"; // Global variables for command line arguments const char *mesh_file = string_none; const char *sol_file = string_none; const char *vec_sol_file = string_none; const char *gfunc_file = string_none; const char *arg_keys = string_none; int pad_digits = 6; int gf_component = -1; int window_x = 0; // not a command line option int window_y = 0; // not a command line option int window_w = 400; int window_h = 350; const char *window_title = string_default; const char *c_plot_caption = string_none; thread_local string plot_caption; thread_local string extra_caption; bool secure = socketstream::secure_default; // Global variables int input = 1; thread_local StreamState stream_state; thread_local VisualizationSceneScalarData *vs = NULL; extern thread_local GLVisCommand* glvis_command; thread_local communication_thread *comm_thread = NULL; thread_local GeometryRefiner GLVisGeometryRefiner; const char *window_titles[] = { "GLVis [scalar data]", "GLVis [vector data]", "GLVis [mesh]" }; istream *script = NULL; int scr_running = 0; int scr_level = 0; Vector *init_nodes = NULL; double scr_min_val, scr_max_val; extern char **environ; void PrintSampleUsage(ostream &out); // read the mesh and the solution from a file void ReadSerial(StreamState& state); // choose grid function component and set the input flag void SetGridFunction(StreamState& state); // read the mesh and the solution from multiple files void ReadParallel(int np, StreamState& state); int ReadParMeshAndGridFunction(int np, const char *mesh_prefix, const char *sol_prefix, StreamState& state); // Visualize the data in the global variables mesh, sol/grid_f, etc // 0 - scalar data, 1 - vector data, 2 - mesh only, (-1) - unknown bool GLVisInitVis(int field_type, StreamCollection input_streams) { if (field_type < 0 || field_type > 2) { return false; } const char *win_title = (window_title == string_default) ? window_titles[field_type] : window_title; if (InitVisualization(win_title, window_x, window_y, window_w, window_h)) { cerr << "Initializing the visualization failed." << endl; return false; } if (input_streams.size() > 0) { GetAppWindow()->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_SPACE, ThreadsPauseFunc); glvis_command = new GLVisCommand(&vs, stream_state, &stream_state.keep_attr); comm_thread = new communication_thread(std::move(input_streams), glvis_command); } double mesh_range = -1.0; if (field_type == 0 || field_type == 2) { if (stream_state.grid_f) { stream_state.grid_f->GetNodalValues(stream_state.sol); } if (stream_state.mesh->SpaceDimension() == 2) { VisualizationSceneSolution * vss; if (stream_state.normals.Size() > 0) { vs = vss = new VisualizationSceneSolution(*stream_state.mesh, stream_state.sol, &stream_state.normals); } else { vs = vss = new VisualizationSceneSolution(*stream_state.mesh, stream_state.sol); } if (stream_state.grid_f) { vss->SetGridFunction(*stream_state.grid_f); } if (field_type == 2) { vs->OrthogonalProjection = 1; vs->SetLight(false); vs->Zoom(1.8); // Use the 'bone' palette when visualizing a 2D mesh only (otherwise // the 'jet-like' palette is used in 2D, see vssolution.cpp). vs->palette.SetIndex(4); } } else if (stream_state.mesh->SpaceDimension() == 3) { VisualizationSceneSolution3d * vss; vs = vss = new VisualizationSceneSolution3d(*stream_state.mesh, stream_state.sol); if (stream_state.grid_f) { vss->SetGridFunction(stream_state.grid_f.get()); } if (field_type == 2) { if (stream_state.mesh->Dimension() == 3) { // Use the 'white' palette when visualizing a 3D volume mesh only vss->palette.SetIndex(11); vss->SetLightMatIdx(4); } else { // Use the 'bone' palette when visualizing a surface mesh only vss->palette.SetIndex(4); } // Otherwise, the 'vivid' palette is used in 3D see vssolution3d.cpp vss->ToggleDrawAxes(); vss->ToggleDrawMesh(); } } if (field_type == 2) { if (stream_state.grid_f) { mesh_range = stream_state.grid_f->Max() + 1.0; } else { mesh_range = stream_state.sol.Max() + 1.0; } } } else if (field_type == 1) { if (stream_state.mesh->SpaceDimension() == 2) { if (stream_state.grid_f) { vs = new VisualizationSceneVector(*stream_state.grid_f); } else { vs = new VisualizationSceneVector(*stream_state.mesh, stream_state.solu, stream_state.solv); } } else if (stream_state.mesh->SpaceDimension() == 3) { if (stream_state.grid_f) { stream_state.grid_f = ProjectVectorFEGridFunction(std::move(stream_state.grid_f)); vs = new VisualizationSceneVector3d(*stream_state.grid_f); } else { vs = new VisualizationSceneVector3d(*stream_state.mesh, stream_state.solu, stream_state.solv, stream_state.solw); } } } if (vs) { // increase the refinement factors if visualizing a GridFunction if (stream_state.grid_f) { vs->AutoRefine(); vs->SetShading(2, true); } if (mesh_range > 0.0) { vs->SetValueRange(-mesh_range, mesh_range); vs->SetAutoscale(0); } if (stream_state.mesh->SpaceDimension() == 2 && field_type == 2) { SetVisualizationScene(vs, 2, stream_state.keys.c_str()); } else { SetVisualizationScene(vs, 3, stream_state.keys.c_str()); } } return true; } void GLVisStartVis() { RunVisualization(); // deletes vs vs = NULL; if (glvis_command) { glvis_command->Terminate(); delete comm_thread; delete glvis_command; glvis_command = NULL; } cout << "GLVis window closed." << endl; } int ScriptReadSolution(istream &scr, StreamState& state) { string mword,sword; cout << "Script: solution: " << flush; // read the mesh scr >> ws >> mword; // mesh filename (can't contain spaces) cout << "mesh: " << mword << "; " << flush; named_ifgzstream imesh(mword.c_str()); if (!imesh) { cout << "Can not open mesh file: " << mword << endl; return 1; } state.mesh.reset(new Mesh(imesh, 1, 0, state.fix_elem_orient)); // read the solution (GridFunction) scr >> ws >> sword; if (sword == mword) // mesh and solution in the same file { cout << "solution: " << mword << endl; state.grid_f.reset(new GridFunction(state.mesh.get(), imesh)); } else { cout << "solution: " << sword << endl; ifgzstream isol(sword.c_str()); if (!isol) { cout << "Can not open solution file: " << sword << endl; return 2; } state.grid_f.reset(new GridFunction(state.mesh.get(), isol)); } state.Extrude1DMeshAndSolution(); return 0; } int ScriptReadParSolution(istream &scr, StreamState& state) { int np, scr_keep_attr, err_read; string mesh_prefix, sol_prefix; cout << "Script: psolution: " << flush; // read number of processors scr >> np; cout << "# processors: " << np << "; " << flush; // read the mesh prefix scr >> ws >> mesh_prefix; // mesh prefix (can't contain spaces) cout << "mesh prefix: " << mesh_prefix << "; " << flush; scr >> ws >> scr_keep_attr; if (scr_keep_attr) { cout << "(real attributes); " << flush; } else { cout << "(processor attributes); " << flush; } // read the solution prefix scr >> ws >> sol_prefix; cout << "solution prefix: " << sol_prefix << endl; err_read = ReadParMeshAndGridFunction(np, mesh_prefix.c_str(), sol_prefix.c_str(), state); if (!err_read) { state.Extrude1DMeshAndSolution(); } return err_read; } int ScriptReadDisplMesh(istream &scr, StreamState& state) { StreamState meshstate; string word; cout << "Script: mesh: " << flush; scr >> ws >> word; { named_ifgzstream imesh(word.c_str()); if (!imesh) { cout << "Can not open mesh file: " << word << endl; return 1; } cout << word << endl; meshstate.mesh.reset(new Mesh(imesh, 1, 0, state.fix_elem_orient)); } meshstate.Extrude1DMeshAndSolution(); Mesh* const m = meshstate.mesh.get(); if (init_nodes == NULL) { init_nodes = new Vector; meshstate.mesh->GetNodes(*init_nodes); state.mesh = NULL; state.grid_f = NULL; } else { FiniteElementCollection *vfec = NULL; FiniteElementSpace *vfes; vfes = (FiniteElementSpace *)m->GetNodalFESpace(); if (vfes == NULL) { vfec = new LinearFECollection; vfes = new FiniteElementSpace(m, vfec, m->SpaceDimension()); } meshstate.grid_f.reset(new GridFunction(vfes)); GridFunction * const g = meshstate.grid_f.get(); if (vfec) { g->MakeOwner(vfec); } m->GetNodes(*g); if (g->Size() == init_nodes->Size()) { subtract(*init_nodes, *g, *g); } else { cout << "Script: incompatible meshes!" << endl; *g = 0.0; } state.mesh = std::move(meshstate.mesh); state.grid_f = std::move(meshstate.grid_f); } return 0; } void ExecuteScriptCommand() { if (!script) { cout << "No script stream defined! (Bug?)" << endl; return; } istream &scr = *script; string word; int done_one_command = 0; while (!done_one_command) { scr >> ws; if (!scr.good()) { cout << "End of script." << endl; scr_level = 0; return; } if (scr.peek() == '#') { getline(scr, word); continue; } scr >> word; if (word == "{") { scr_level++; } else if (word == "}") { scr_level--; if (scr_level < 0) { scr_level = 0; } } else if (word == "solution" || word == "mesh" || word == "psolution") { StreamState new_state; if (word == "solution") { if (ScriptReadSolution(scr, new_state)) { done_one_command = 1; continue; } } else if (word == "mesh") { if (ScriptReadDisplMesh(scr, new_state)) { done_one_command = 1; continue; } if (new_state.mesh == NULL) { cout << "Script: unexpected 'mesh' command!" << endl; done_one_command = 1; continue; } } else if (word == "psolution") { if (ScriptReadParSolution(scr, new_state)) { done_one_command = 1; continue; } } if (stream_state.SetNewMeshAndSolution(std::move(new_state), vs)) { MyExpose(); } else { cout << "Different type of mesh / solution." << endl; } } else if (word == "screenshot") { scr >> ws >> word; cout << "Script: screenshot: " << flush; if (Screenshot(word.c_str(), true)) { cout << "Screenshot(" << word << ") failed." << endl; done_one_command = 1; continue; } cout << "-> " << word << endl; if (scr_min_val > vs->GetMinV()) { scr_min_val = vs->GetMinV(); } if (scr_max_val < vs->GetMaxV()) { scr_max_val = vs->GetMaxV(); } } else if (word == "viewcenter") { scr >> vs->ViewCenterX >> vs->ViewCenterY; cout << "Script: viewcenter: " << vs->ViewCenterX << ' ' << vs->ViewCenterY << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "perspective") { scr >> ws >> word; cout << "Script: perspective: " << word; if (word == "off") { vs->OrthogonalProjection = 1; } else if (word == "on") { vs->OrthogonalProjection = 0; } else { cout << '?'; } cout << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "light") { scr >> ws >> word; cout << "Script: light: " << word; if (word == "off") { vs->SetLight(false); } else if (word == "on") { vs->SetLight(true); } else { cout << '?'; } cout << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "view") { double theta, phi; scr >> theta >> phi; cout << "Script: view: " << theta << ' ' << phi << endl; vs->SetView(theta, phi); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "zoom") { double factor; scr >> factor; cout << "Script: zoom: " << factor << endl; vs->Zoom(factor); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "shading") { scr >> ws >> word; cout << "Script: shading: " << flush; int s = -1; if (word == "flat") { s = 0; } else if (word == "smooth") { s = 1; } else if (word == "cool") { s = 2; } if (s != -1) { vs->SetShading(s, false); cout << word << endl; MyExpose(); } else { cout << word << " ?" << endl; } } else if (word == "subdivisions") { int t, b; scr >> t >> b; cout << "Script: subdivisions: " << flush; vs->SetRefineFactors(t, b); cout << t << ' ' << b << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "valuerange") { double min, max; scr >> min >> max; cout << "Script: valuerange: " << flush; vs->SetValueRange(min, max); cout << min << ' ' << max << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "autoscale") { scr >> ws >> word; cout << "Script: autoscale: " << word; if (word == "off") { vs->SetAutoscale(0); } else if (word == "on") { vs->SetAutoscale(1); } else if (word == "value") { vs->SetAutoscale(2); } else if (word == "mesh") { vs->SetAutoscale(3); } else { cout << '?'; } cout << endl; } else if (word == "levellines") { double min, max; int num; scr >> min >> max >> num; cout << "Script: levellines: " << flush; vs->SetLevelLines(min, max, num); vs->UpdateLevelLines(); cout << min << ' ' << max << ' ' << num << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "window") { scr >> window_x >> window_y >> window_w >> window_h; cout << "Script: window: " << window_x << ' ' << window_y << ' ' << window_w << ' ' << window_h << endl; MoveResizeWindow(window_x, window_y, window_w, window_h); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "keys") { scr >> stream_state.keys; cout << "Script: keys: '" << stream_state.keys << "'" << endl; // SendKeySequence(keys.c_str()); CallKeySequence(stream_state.keys.c_str()); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "palette") { int pal; scr >> pal; cout << "Script: palette: " << pal << endl; vs->palette.SetIndex(pal-1); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "palette_repeat") { int rpt_times; scr >> rpt_times; cout << "Script: palette_repeat: " << rpt_times << endl; vs->palette.SetRepeatTimes(rpt_times); vs->palette.Init(); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "toggle_attributes") { Array attr_list; cout << "Script: toggle_attributes:"; for (scr >> ws; scr.peek() != ';'; scr >> ws) { attr_list.Append(0); scr >> attr_list.Last(); if (attr_list.Size() <= 256) { cout << ' ' << attr_list.Last(); } else if (attr_list.Size() == 257) { cout << " ... " << flush; } } scr.get(); // read the end symbol: ';' cout << endl; vs->ToggleAttributes(attr_list); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "rotmat") { cout << "Script: rotmat:"; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { scr >> vs->rotmat[i/4][i%4]; cout << ' ' << vs->rotmat[i/4][i%4]; } cout << endl; MyExpose(); } else if (word == "camera") { double cam[9]; cout << "Script: camera:"; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { scr >> cam[i]; cout << ' ' << cam[i]; } cout << endl; vs->cam.Set(cam); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "scale") { double scale; cout << "Script: scale:"; scr >> scale; cout << ' ' << scale; cout << endl; vs->Scale(scale); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "translate") { double x, y, z; cout << "Script: translate:"; scr >> x >> y >> z; cout << ' ' << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z; cout << endl; vs->Translate(x, y, z); MyExpose(); } else if (word == "plot_caption") { char delim; scr >> ws >> delim; getline(scr, plot_caption, delim); vs->PrepareCaption(); // turn on or off the caption MyExpose(); } else { cout << "Unknown command in script: " << word << endl; } done_one_command = 1; } } void ScriptControl(); void ScriptIdleFunc() { ExecuteScriptCommand(); if (scr_level == 0) { ScriptControl(); } } void ScriptControl() { if (scr_running) { scr_running = 0; RemoveIdleFunc(ScriptIdleFunc); } else { scr_running = 1; AddIdleFunc(ScriptIdleFunc); } } void PlayScript(istream &scr) { string word; scr_min_val = numeric_limits::infinity(); scr_max_val = -scr_min_val; // read initializing commands while (1) { scr >> ws; if (!scr.good()) { cout << "Error in script" << endl; return; } if (scr.peek() == '#') { getline(scr, word); continue; } scr >> word; if (word == "window") { scr >> window_x >> window_y >> window_w >> window_h; } else if (word == "solution") { if (ScriptReadSolution(scr, stream_state)) { return; } // start the visualization break; } else if (word == "psolution") { if (ScriptReadParSolution(scr, stream_state)) { return; } // start the visualization break; } else if (word == "mesh") { if (ScriptReadDisplMesh(scr, stream_state)) { return; } if (stream_state.mesh) { break; } } else { cout << "Unknown command in script: " << word << endl; } } scr_level = scr_running = 0; script = &scr; stream_state.keys.clear(); std::thread worker_thread { [&](StreamState local_state) { // set the thread-local StreamState stream_state = std::move(local_state); if (c_plot_caption != string_none) { plot_caption = c_plot_caption; } if (GLVisInitVis((stream_state.grid_f->VectorDim() == 1) ? 0 : 1, {})) { GetAppWindow()->setOnKeyDown(SDLK_SPACE, ScriptControl); GLVisStartVis(); } }, std::move(stream_state) }; SDLMainLoop(); worker_thread.join(); delete init_nodes; init_nodes = NULL; cout << "Script: min_val = " << scr_min_val << ", max_val = " << scr_max_val << endl; script = NULL; } struct Session { StreamCollection input_streams; StreamState state; int ft = -1; std::thread handler; Session(bool fix_elem_orient, bool save_coloring) { state.fix_elem_orient = fix_elem_orient; state.save_coloring = save_coloring; } Session(int other_ft, StreamState other_state) : state(std::move(other_state)) , ft(other_ft) { } ~Session() = default; Session(Session&& from) = default; Session& operator= (Session&& from) = default; void StartSession() { auto funcThread = [](StreamState thread_state, int ftype, StreamCollection is) { // Set thread-local stream state stream_state = std::move(thread_state); if (c_plot_caption != string_none) { plot_caption = c_plot_caption; } if (GLVisInitVis(ftype, std::move(is))) { GLVisStartVis(); } }; handler = std::thread {funcThread, std::move(state), ft, std::move(input_streams)}; handler.detach(); } bool StartSavedSession(std::string stream_file) { unique_ptr ifs(new ifstream(stream_file)); if (!(*ifs)) { cout << "Can not open stream file: " << stream_file << endl; return false; } string data_type; *ifs >> data_type >> ws; ft = state.ReadStream(*ifs, data_type); input_streams.emplace_back(std::move(ifs)); StartSession(); return true; } }; void GLVisServer(int portnum, bool save_stream, bool fix_elem_orient, bool save_coloring) { std::vector current_sessions; string data_type; int viscount = 0; unsigned int nproc = 1, proc = 0; #ifdef MFEM_USE_GNUTLS unique_ptr state; unique_ptr params; if (secure) { state.reset(new GnuTLS_global_state); // state->set_log_level(1000); string home_dir(getenv("HOME")); string server_dir = home_dir + "/.config/glvis/server/"; #ifndef MFEM_USE_GNUTLS_X509 string pubkey = server_dir + "pubring.gpg"; string privkey = server_dir + "secring.gpg"; string trustedkeys = server_dir + "trusted-clients.gpg"; #else string pubkey = server_dir + "cert.pem"; string privkey = server_dir + "key.pem"; string trustedkeys = server_dir + "trusted-clients.pem"; #endif params.reset(new GnuTLS_session_params( *state, pubkey.c_str(), privkey.c_str(), trustedkeys.c_str(), GNUTLS_SERVER)); if (!params->status.good()) { cout << " public key = " << pubkey << '\n' << " private key = " << privkey << '\n' << " trusted keys = " << trustedkeys << endl; cout << "Error setting GLVis server parameters.\n" "Generate your GLVis keys with:" " bash glvis-keygen.sh [\"Your Name\"] [\"Your Email\"]" << endl; return; } } #endif const int backlog = 128; socketserver server(portnum, backlog); if (server.good()) { cout << "Waiting for data on port " << portnum << " ..." << endl; } else { cout << "Server already running on port " << portnum << ".\n" << endl; exit(2); } while (1) { unique_ptr isock; #ifndef MFEM_USE_GNUTLS isock.reset(new socketstream); #else isock.reset(secure ? new socketstream(*params) : new socketstream(false)); #endif vector> input_streams; while (server.accept(*isock) < 0) { #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "GLVis: server.accept(...) failed." << endl; #endif } *isock >> data_type >> ws; if (save_stream) { viscount++; } int par_data = 0; if (data_type == "parallel") { par_data = 1; unsigned int np = 0; do { *isock >> nproc >> proc; #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "new connection: parallel " << nproc << ' ' << proc << endl; #endif if (np == 0) { if (nproc <= 0) { cout << "Invalid number of processors: " << nproc << endl; mfem_error(); } input_streams.resize(nproc); } else { if (nproc != input_streams.size()) { cout << "Unexpected number of processors: " << nproc << ", expected: " << input_streams.size() << endl; mfem_error(); } } if (proc >= nproc) { cout << "Invalid processor rank: " << proc << ", number of processors: " << nproc << endl; mfem_error(); } if (input_streams[proc]) { cout << "Second connection attempt from processor rank: " << proc << endl; mfem_error(); } input_streams[proc] = std::move(isock); #ifndef MFEM_USE_GNUTLS isock.reset(new socketstream); #else isock.reset(secure ? new socketstream(*params) : new socketstream(false)); #endif np++; if (np == nproc) { break; } // read next available socket stream while (server.accept(*isock) < 0) { #ifdef GLVIS_DEBUG cout << "GLVis: server.accept(...) failed." << endl; #endif } *isock >> data_type >> ws; // "parallel" if (data_type != "parallel") { cout << "Expected keyword \"parallel\", got \"" << data_type << '"' << endl; mfem_error(); } } while (1); } Session new_session(fix_elem_orient, save_coloring); constexpr int tmp_filename_size = 50; char tmp_file[tmp_filename_size]; if (save_stream) { snprintf(tmp_file, tmp_filename_size, "glvis-saved.%04d", viscount); ofstream ofs(tmp_file); if (!par_data) { ofs << data_type << '\n'; ofs << isock->rdbuf(); isock->close(); } else { new_session.state.ReadStreams(input_streams); ofs.precision(8); ofs << "solution\n"; new_session.state.mesh->Print(ofs); new_session.state.grid_f->Save(ofs); } ofs.close(); cout << "Data saved in " << tmp_file << endl; new_session.StartSavedSession(tmp_file); } else { if (!par_data) { new_session.ft = new_session.state.ReadStream(*isock, data_type); input_streams.emplace_back(std::move(isock)); } else { new_session.ft = new_session.state.ReadStreams(input_streams); } // Pass ownership of input streams into session object new_session.input_streams = std::move(input_streams); new_session.StartSession(); } current_sessions.emplace_back(std::move(new_session)); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Call needed to avoid SDL_Init failure when not substituting main() for // SDL_main(). SDL_SetMainReady(); #endif // variables for command line arguments int np = 0; bool save_stream = false; const char *stream_file = string_none; const char *script_file = string_none; const char *font_name = string_default; int portnum = 19916; int multisample = GetMultisample(); double line_width = GetLineWidth(); double ms_line_width = GetLineWidthMS(); int geom_ref_type = Quadrature1D::ClosedUniform; bool legacy_gl_ctx = false; bool enable_hidpi = true; OptionsParser args(argc, argv); args.AddOption(&mesh_file, "-m", "--mesh", "Mesh file to visualize."); args.AddOption(&gfunc_file, "-g", "--grid-function", "Solution (GridFunction) file to visualize."); args.AddOption(&gf_component, "-gc", "--grid-function-component", "Select a grid function component, [0-) or" " -1 for all."); args.AddOption(&sol_file, "-s", "--scalar-solution", "Scalar solution (vertex values) file to visualize."); args.AddOption(&vec_sol_file, "-v", "--vector-solution", "Vector solution (vertex values) file to visualize."); args.AddOption(&np, "-np", "--num-proc", "Load mesh/solution from multiple processors."); args.AddOption(&pad_digits, "-d", "--pad-digits", "Number of digits used for processor ranks in file names."); args.AddOption(&script_file, "-run", "--run-script", "Run a GLVis script file."); args.AddOption(&arg_keys, "-k", "--keys", "Execute key shortcut commands in the GLVis window."); args.AddOption(&stream_state.fix_elem_orient, "-fo", "--fix-orientations", "-no-fo", "--dont-fix-orientations", "Attempt to fix the orientations of inverted elements."); args.AddOption(&stream_state.keep_attr, "-a", "--real-attributes", "-ap", "--processor-attributes", "When opening a parallel mesh, use the real mesh attributes" " or replace them with the processor rank."); args.AddOption(&geom_ref_type, "-grt", "--geometry-refiner-type", "Set of points to use when refining geometry:" " 3 = uniform, 1 = Gauss-Lobatto, (see mfem::Quadrature1D)."); args.AddOption(&stream_state.save_coloring, "-sc", "--save-coloring", "-no-sc", "--dont-save-coloring", "Save the mesh coloring generated when opening only a mesh."); args.AddOption(&portnum, "-p", "--listen-port", "Specify the port number on which to accept connections."); args.AddOption(&secure, "-sec", "--secure-sockets", "-no-sec", "--standard-sockets", "Enable or disable GnuTLS secure sockets."); args.AddOption(&save_stream, "-save", "--save-stream", "-no-save", "--dont-save-stream", "In server mode, save incoming data to a file before" " visualization."); args.AddOption(&stream_file, "-saved", "--saved-stream", "Load a GLVis stream saved to a file."); args.AddOption(&window_w, "-ww", "--window-width", "Set the window width."); args.AddOption(&window_h, "-wh", "--window-height", "Set the window height."); args.AddOption(&window_title, "-wt", "--window-title", "Set the window title."); args.AddOption(&c_plot_caption, "-c", "--plot-caption", "Set the plot caption (visible when colorbar is visible)."); args.AddOption(&font_name, "-fn", "--font", "Set the font: [[:style=